“You picked my deadbolt?” she asked, surprised. Though, she shouldn’t be, the man had done time for hot-wiring cars and going for joy rides.

“Ain’t tellin’ my secret,” he murmured against her cooling skin, sending a shiver along every inch of her exhausted body. His cock began to soften and he’d soon have no choice but to move.

If he hadn’t picked her deadbolt, the only other way he could’ve gotten in was by using the tried-and-true method called lock bumping. After he had entered her apartment the first time, he must have made it look like he jimmied the window to throw her off on purpose.

Unfortunately, it had worked. Clever son of a bitch.

“Did you ever think of simply knocking instead of committing a crime every time you feel the need to fuck me?”

He lifted his head. “Didn’t know that was an option.”

“Well, since I know getting my locks changed won’t stop you from entering my place whenever you damn well please, I’d rather know you’re coming.”

“So you can shoot me first?” His cock finally finished deflating and slipped from her, leaving a slick path in its wake. With a groan, he rolled to her side, apparently not in a rush to clean up, get dressed and get the hell out of her apartment.

“Tempting. Very tempting,” she murmured.

No, he was definitely not in a rush to escape since he remained glued to her side, a hand cupping her breast and his thumb strumming back and forth over her still taut nipple. The one with another shallow bite mark surrounding the areola. That one wasn’t deep enough to likely leave a bruise, but it still had been hot as hell when he did it.

“You won’t. You like my dick too much.”

“But the problem is you come attached to it.”

His body jerked sharply against hers. “Didn’t hear you complainin’ while I ate your pussy.”

“Well…. No,” she reluctantly admitted.

“Didn’t hear you complainin’ while I fucked you.”

He certainly hadn’t heard one peep of complaint from her about that. “You’re right.”

“Also didn’t hear you complainin’ when you came like a geyser, soaking my dick, my balls and the damn sheet.”

Yes, the wet spot she still laid in. “Of course not.”

“So, does it matter how the fuck I got in here?”

It should. “I guess not,” she said on an exaggerated sigh.

“Didn’t think so.”

“But it bugs me that you broke in and the noise didn’t wake me.”

“You were out, darlin’, dead to the fuckin’ world.”

She had to have been for him to bump her damn lock, and have time to get naked and climb into bed with her. “That’s not good.”

She either needed to get an alarm system or move to a more secure apartment with one already installed. Not necessarily to keep Rook out, but others. And maybe make him actually knock instead of entering her place without warning whenever he damn well felt like it.

“It’s good if you need the sleep. Apparently, you fuckin’ need it.”

“Should I remind you that you disturbed that sleep?”

“Didn’t hear you complainin’ when I ate—“

“We already went through that list, fuck you very much.”

She blinked when he chuckled. Actually freaking chuckled. Like he had with Lizzy earlier in the day at the garage.

She grabbed the hand that was squeezing her breast and stopped the mindless movement of his thumb. It was distracting her. It also disturbed her that it was an intimate action one lover would do to another while they recuperated from some really awesome, mind-blowing sex.

Hell, it disturbed her that he had provided that awesome, mind-blowing sex.

That really awesome unprotected sex.

She dropped her eyes from the ceiling to study his face. His gaze didn’t meet hers, instead he stared at where her hand laid on top of his on her breast. He had tucked a pillow under his head like he actually belonged in her bed and left his hand on her breast like it belonged there, too.

“Do you wear a condom when you fuck her?” For chrissake, Jet, do you really want to know?


Yes, unfortunately, she did. She really wanted to know. She told herself it was because he hadn’t worn one once with her, when really, she wanted to know if Rook slept with her. For some odd reason. Sure, Jet.

“Lizzy,” she answered.

She also never had sex with anyone before without wearing one even though she was on birth control pills and had been since she began having sex in her late teens. If a boyfriend lasted a few months, then she would have considered eventually going without a condom. But none of them had lasted long enough.

But then, none of them had been as arrogant or cocky as Rook.

None of them had been as good in bed, either. A couple had come close, but not close enough.

“Wear a wrap when I fuck any of ‘em.”

While his answer gave her some relief, she didn’t like the turn of the conversation and repeated, “Any of them?” because she was so tired maybe she misunderstood.