“Want to take on all of us at once or do you want to take us on one at a time?”

Cocky motherfucker. Rook shrugged casually. “Really don’t got a preference. Whatever you pussies wanna do.”

“Man, he sure talks a lot of shit,” the biggest of the bunch hooted.

“He won’t be when we’re through with him,” another one dared to say.

Rook now had no idea where Teddy was or what he was doing because he needed to keep his two eyes and two ears on five guys.

His anger might have made him a little more confident than he should be. But he’d been jumped a few times in prison and had survived, so what was five dumbfuck drunks who picked on men who couldn’t defend themselves? Child’s play.

Better yet, he was sober and pissed off, unlike the drunk stupid fucks in front of him.

He eyed each one up, trying to figure out who was the biggest threat. It wasn’t necessarily the biggest man. Sometimes the smallest was the scrappiest and could be quick on his feet.

He never assumed bigger was badder. Big could mean clumsy and slow. He learned that lesson during his unneeded vacation in juvie.

He quickly figured out who the greatest threat was when the one on the left took a fighting stance.

Game on.

He fake punched the man straight in front of him and when that guy flinched and jerked back, Rook followed through with the right hook on the one who might know how to fight. The man wasn’t expecting the strike to his jaw, thinking his friend was the recipient, which spun him off balance and took him down to one knee.

He shook off the shock to his hand—because bare-knuckle fighting wasn’t like in the movies, it actually hurt like fuck—and used a boot to the temple to knock the motherfucker out.

One down. Four to go.

With his mouth hanging open, the tallest guy stared at the man now K-O’d on the ground. Rook closed his gaping pie hole with a solid right undercut and sent him tumbling backward.

He spun on the other three, waiting to see who was next.

The heaviest one rushed him with a yell and his arms extended. As Rook braced, he heard a howl. A snow shovel came out of nowhere and whacked the fucker directly in the face. It was like the man hit a brick wall. The drunk’s eyes went wide and his nose was now badly misshapen. Even better, gushing blood.

Since he was still standing, Rook gave him a shot to the knee with his boot, causing the blubbering asshole to crumple where he stood.

Two to go.

Neither of the men left standing looked enthused about taking on Rook. Or a gay man wielding a now bloody snow shovel.

“Which one of you pussies is next?” he goaded them, encouraging them to take a punch by wiggling his fingers in a come-and-get-it type of way.

With another frustrated scream, Teddy didn’t bother to wait to see who volunteered and once again used the shovel, this time to crack the closest one on the back of the head.

“Damn, dude,” Rook muttered, but grinned as he watched that man fall to the ground in a heap.

“I said I wasn’t leaving you out here alone to defend my honor,” Teddy huffed and began to wildly swing at the only one who remained not bleeding and on his two feet.

That man scooted out of the shovel’s reach but right into Rook’s. Rook slugged the man square in the face, made impact with his nose, and ground out a curse at the pain shooting through his hand and up his wrist.

He shook it out again and glanced around at the fallen drunks and growled, “Now, get the fuck out of my town.”

As one tried to rise, Rook planted his boot in the center of the drunk’s back and forced him back down to eat the snowy concrete.

“Yeah, take that, asshole,” Teddy yelled as he leaned over the fallen drunk.

“I see any of you again, the last thing you’re gonna be worried about is the pigs arresting your ass. My brotherhood’s a lot worse than theirs. And nobody, nobody, touches Teddy.”

“Fag,” he heard muttered. Rook wasn’t sure from which one.

“Honey, you keep throwing that word around like it’s an insult,” Teddy said. He did his signature two snaps and a clap along with an ass wiggle. “I wear that badge with pride.”

That he did.

Teddy skirted the men getting to their feet and wrapped an arm around Rook’s waist, leaned into him and said, “Now, as this handsome fella said, get the fuck out of our town.” He then smiled up at Rook and winked.

Teddy’s brave face was only a mask since Rook could feel the man trembling against him.

But having Teddy glued to his side wasn’t smart if the men tried to rush him. Luckily, they didn’t and got to their feet grumbling, helping the one who was still a bit groggy from his temporary nap.