But that wasn’t all. With a last light nip to the curve of her breast, he shoved his face into her neck and ran the tip of his tongue along the column of her windpipe. She tipped her head back to give him better access to her throat and so she could also feel the scratch of the wiry hairs along his chin and jawline along her skin.

Then she waited. For the bite, the claim, the mark that would once again remind her of her mistake, but also of how worthwhile making that mistake had been.

Because yessss, she wasn’t feeling any regrets right now. None at all.

Who could regret sex as hot as this?

The sweep of his warm breath and the low, muffled grunts vibrated against her skin as he kept the wave-like motion. Driving her to the point those waves would break and crash along the shore. Loud. Fierce. With the power of the sea behind them.

But it wasn’t the sea, it was Rook, and, with each powerful roll of his hips, he began to drown her in that dangerous ocean. Each push and pull dragged her under, tumbled her thoughts as she hung on tightly, using his hair she still gripped, and her fingers dug firmly into his ass.

She clung to him like she would a surfboard while riding a wave as it swelled higher and higher. His thumb flicked roughly on her clit as that wave finally crested and when it broke, all the air hissed from her lungs.

The sharp pain of his teeth sinking into her neck at the same exact moment, turned her inhale into a moan instead and when it rushed back out, it became a cry she couldn’t contain as she shattered around him.

Not only was her pussy clenching and unclenching around his thick length with each aftershock of the climax, but every muscle from head to toe convulsed along with it and then turned to liquid, just like the receding tide.

He still didn’t stop. He continued on with his thumb on her clit, circling and pressing it faster and more frantically while, in contrast, he slowed the smooth roll of his hips once again to a gentle rocking. No longer stabbing her with his cock, he dragged it in and out of her more leisurely through the slickness he caused.

His lips stayed glued to her neck when his rhythm finally hitched, his muscles tightened, and his hips drove deep once more before he stilled, the groan that came deep from within his chest getting caught between his mouth and her skin.

Unexpectedly, she came again, the second climax not as strong as the first, but enough to make her gasp and attempt to pull him deeper to again ride out those ebbing waves. The base of his cock pulsed as he emptied inside her, absolutely nothing between them to stop him from marking her on the inside, too.

Once again, they hadn’t used a condom, hadn’t even discussed it. And Jet should know better but she didn’t even care.

Reckless, for sure. But then this whole thing between them was.

One mistake after the other snowballed as they went. Neither able to stop it from getting larger and picking up speed as it careened downhill. Eventually that momentum would be lost, the snowball would slow, even stop, and the sun would come out and melt it down to nothing.

Until the only thing left was a memory.

It was for the best.

Oh yes, it was for the best.

When she sighed, Rook lifted his face from her neck, stared down for a second at the bite he’d left behind, then braced his hands into the mattress again to lift his torso enough so he could look down into her face.

Jet had no idea what, if anything, would come out of his mouth next.

She shouldn’t have been surprised when nothing did. Instead, his mouth got tight and he slipped out of her, rolled onto his back and right off the bed.

Well, that was that.

It was done. Over.

Though, she was nowhere near finished looking at him. The way his muscles bunched and flexed under the ink on his back representing his club, and in his ass and thighs as he walked right out of her bedroom without a damn word.

She blew a breath through her nose, stared up at the ceiling and laid a hand over her belly, feeling the result of what they had just done slip from her. She would need to get up soon or she’d have to change the sheets.

But instead of the front door closing, she heard her bathroom door close. Eventually the toilet flushed, the sink ran, and he rustled around in the tiny hallway bathroom.

She dropped her gaze from the ceiling to the doorway as he surprised her by striding back inside her room with something in his hand.