But, fuck no, they made it to his final destination without any of that happening, and he was not happy to see the small one-story cabin that looked like it leaned to the right. Or was that just him leaning to the right?

That journey with them carrying his weight had all three women winded. But one managed to get the door open without dropping him and they carried him into the dark cabin.

The three women set him on the bed and while two of them tied his wrists and ankles to the crudely welded steel headboard and footboard, the other one moved around the cabin lighting old-fashioned oil lanterns giving the cabin a really fucking romantic glow.


He tested his restraints but none had any give. That meant they knew how to tie someone down without them escaping. Maybe they’d done this before.

He knew they’d kept Autumn tied up for a while. So, maybe they were pros at fucking people against their will.

He bucked his hips in frustration and screamed behind his gag. If he had a chance to break free, he’d kill all three of those prairie dress wearing bitches.

All three looked related. Even the way they wore their hair was the same. They wore knee socks and combat-style boots and the only thing different about them was the pattern of their homemade dresses. That was it.

Fucking cult.

And there was no way his sperm was going to make more members of that fucking cult.

The three women stood at the side of the bed, staring down at him. Thirsty as all fuck.


As long as his body didn’t cooperate, he’d be safe, right?

They couldn’t do shit with him, if they couldn’t get his dick hard.

What if they had another method? Like Viagra.

Holy shit, would they force-feed him a pill that would give him an erection? Would that work? Would he just turn into an unwilling pole for them to ride?

“I’m gettin’ him first,” Sally, who seemed to be the oldest, said.


He knew plenty of men in prison who got hard when they were raped. It wasn’t because they wanted it or enjoyed it. It was a natural response they couldn’t control.

But that was when one asshole was fucking another.

He wasn’t sure about women raping men. What if they stuck something up his ass? Would that work?

He squeezed his eyes shut and jerked at his restraints again.

He’d survived all his time inside without getting raped. All that fucking time. He’d fought off men larger and stronger than him.

And, usually, he formed alliances with others to prevent it. Like Dodge.

Like the three new prospects he was sponsoring.

All of them had each other’s back. Whether from being jumped, fucked or killed.

And now, three goddamn women...


“Open his pants and get him ready for me.”

“Who’s gettin’ him next?”

“I don’t care,” Sally announced. “But it’s gonna take more than once. You know that. We’ll hide him here ‘til we get what we want from him. ‘Til we’re in our fertile time.”

“Thinkin’ I’m there now, so maybe I should go first,” the youngest woman said, grinning down at him while she stroked his arm. Just her touch made his skin quiver.

“Pammy, you can get him next. When he’s still fresh and got plenty of seed.”

For fuck’s sake, he could wake the fuck up any time now. He’d had some fucked up nightmares before, but this might take the fucking cake.

Wake the fuck up, asshole!

“Well, how d’you know I ain’t in my baby makin’ time?” the other one asked. The one that almost looked like a twin to Pammy. Probably a sister-cousin.

“You keepin’ track, Tammy?” Sally asked her.

“Are you?” Tammy asked back in a smart tone.

“Get his pants down enough to get his dick out,” Sally answered, annoyed.

He didn’t even bother to fight the whimper as Tammy and Pammy jerked him around like he was a piece of meat. Yanking off his belt, ripping down his cargo pants, then shoving down his boxer briefs until he felt the air whispering across his dick.

Which was soft, thank fuck.

It needed to stay that way.

This was the first time in his life he actually wished for a dick dysfunction.

“He needs to get hard.”

“No shit, Sally,” Pammy told her sister-aunt, or whatever the fuck she was.

“Get ‘im hard.”

Rook squeezed his eyes shut as one of them wrapped a hand around his limp dick and began to jerk it.

Don’t get hard.

Don’t get hard.

Don’t get fuckin’ hard.

He had to think of something else. Anything else. Like the day his mother left.

Like the day he showed up on her doorstep in Baltimore.

Like the first time he got pulled over and got his ass beat to fuck by a pig.

It was working...

“Suck ‘im or somethin’,” seeped into his brain.

If there was a God, the higher power needed to kill him now.


Right now.

For fuck’s sake, God, right the fuck now.