“I was mad, but I got over it sometime during the early morning hours. As for trust, it’s only been a week, so I think we can give each other the benefit of the doubt because we’ll both need to. And as all good shrinks say, work on building each other up, not tearing each other down. The trust will come with time, I’m sure. And like my granny said, I really do want to put that in. The time, I mean. Which is a first for me, so if you feel slightly out to sea, I feel just as out to pasture.”

“That’s…wow. I…you’re right. I was gearing up for one heck of a fight, and I thought I’d truly blown it—the best chance I’d ever been given. Because you’re you, and I can see that, even if no one else can. You’ve let me see that, and if your granny says you’re already attached, then I’m also already attached.”

Asher smiles softly at me, and I take it as an ultra-encouraging sign. I start to relax more and more as the knots begin to work themselves out of my neck, shoulders, and every other tightly wound muscle in my body.

“You’re just you, and I really appreciate that,” he starts, his voice barely more than a whisper. It’s fresher than a pan of buns straight from the oven, and it sends shivers racing up and down my arms. “You’re refreshingly honest, crazy with an ax. You’re someone who likes fire a little bit too much and someone who can hold her own with fart jokes. I really want to get to know you, Emily. Better than I already do. Much better. I know it was rocky and crazy and bumpy as hell, but from now on, maybe things will calm down. I think about doing all these things in my life, and when I think about doing them without you, they just all feel pretty empty. With some effort, I think we can cut down on the chaos and keep the good parts.”

“Like the kisses? Spontaneous and otherwise?”


“Shit!” I jump up, remembering that I’ve forgotten all about work. Asher’s eyes widen. It’s clearly not the reaction he was expecting. “Work!” I clarify. “I should call in…”

“Me too.”

“But if we both do, won’t it look extremely suspicious?”

“Who cares?” Asher grins at me. “I’m the boss. And dating the boss has a whole set of perks. You call, then I’ll call. And after that, we can talk more about desserts and kisses.”

Even though he just told me to call, Asher walks over, wraps his arms around my waist, and gives me one of those delicious, wonderful, spur-of-the-moment kisses we were just discussing. I melt like melty melted butter in his arms, and there’s no way I’m not grateful for another chance. The road has indeed been rocky, mountainous, treacherous, icy, windblown, washed out, full of holes and pitfalls, and everything else it can be, but we’re still on it. Or maybe we’ve just veered off onto a different one—one that’s ours, of our own choosing and making.

I’m seriously glad. I pour everything I have into the kiss, and when Asher finally pulls back, I treat him to a dose of his own medicine. I smile, I shrug, and then I crook a finger, beckoning him into the kitchen for breakfast. The first one of many we’ll share together. How fitting that I have an entire fridge of tasty treats to choose from. But even without that, though, I know I’d never forget it.



Julie Louise Paris did indeed take her last name from the city. Currently, it’s where I live. Paris. I think it’s legitly one of the most beautiful places on earth. And no. It’s not at all dirty. I really can’t believe I once said that. Oh, and my last name? It’s also now Paris. Yet another reason to like the city.


“Argh!” I nearly jumped straight out of the window seat I’ve been curled up in for the last half hour, an unread book on my lap.

Asher grins apologetically at me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He’s wearing a red and blue plaid jacket and jeans. I take in the jacket, and now I’m the one grinning.

“Supporting your granny’s new clothing line, I see.”

“Don’t,” he threatens mockingly. “Just don’t.”

It’s different, that’s for sure, because it’s the first time I’ve ever seen Asher wear anything like it. My husband is the most gorgeous man in the world, at least to me, so it looks beyond stellar on him, but I’m not entirely sure about Julie Louise Paris’ new line. Yes, she’s still designing. She says the last designs she’ll ever make are the ones she’s buried in, so she has no plans to quit anytime soon.

I smooth a hand over my rounded belly and accept the coffee. I sip it, and it’s not great since it’s decaf, but I can handle it for another few months. At seven months pregnant, I’m already more than ready to meet our daughter. I’ve had a healthy pregnancy, but it started with me being incredibly sick. That lasted for about four months, and now I’m just nauseated, like one hundred percent of the time. I can’t imagine how anyone bears children because I still haven’t gotten to the part where my belly is so big that I topple over or feel like I’m being crushed. And then there’s the birth to look forward to. Which I’m really not looking forward to. Obviously.