“Which would be…”

“Um, I…I don’t have a condom,” I admit. I shyly drop my gaze to my hands, which are still surrounded by Asher’s big ones.

“I do. But I want to make sure you’re sure.”

“Oh. Yes, I’m very sure.”

“Alright.” He lets my hands go and then sheds his pants and boxers himself.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head when I see his um…proud flagstaff proudly flying at full mast. Apparently, all of Asher is big. And hard. Very. Hard.

I want to touch him. I want to run my hand down the length of him, from the swollen tip right to the base. I want to learn what he likes, and I want to let him show me. I’d be a fast learner. I feel very throbby and empty, so I’d like him to sate that ache, fill me up, and wow, what does that make me? Because I can’t ever remember having urges like this in my life. Urges that are so desperate, if I can’t fit us together soon, I’ll probably go freaking insane.

“Would you like to drive?”


“Never mind. How would you like to do this?” Asher asks as he bends down and produces a small foil packet from his pocket.

“That’s a dangerous question,” I mutter. “I’d like to do quite a few things to you.”

“As long as I don’t end up going the way of your table or fence, I’m up for it.” He grins at me, which makes my hoo-ha curl in on itself and beg for mercy.

I have quite a few spur-of-the-moment fantasies I’d like to work through, but I realize there’s probably a nice way to start out. Like a sort of way that’s expected, though I’m not sure what it is. If I ask Asher to take me up against the wall, then in the shower, and on the living room couch, and if I say I want the table assembled just so we can break it all over again, he might say he’s out of condoms.

Although, thinking about doing something like that starts a pronounced ache in my nether regions, the likes of which I’ve never felt before. I want him, and I want him badly. I need him inside me.

“The wall,” I whisper, because why not start out ultra-dirty. I might as well shock him first, which I can see I have because one dark brow curls toward the ceiling.

“The wall?” he echoes.

I leap off the bed and walk over to the big empty space between the dresser, the wall, and the far window. I turn slowly, putting my hands against the cool surface.

“Lord above,” Asher grunts. “You realize that…that almost ensures you won’t receive your full dues. I mean pleasure. That…that it might be over before you expect.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about, but then suddenly, it clicks. Oh. Is he really saying what I think he’s saying? It gives me a strange surge of something that makes my head feel all light and airy.

“I’m willing to chance it if you are.” I just hope he has more than one wrapper wherever he pulled that one from. It’s kind of late to be driving to the corner store with high hopes that they might have some, and I can’t imagine how embarrassing it would be to walk into a place like that to buy condoms. What would people say anyway? Oh, hi, I’d like a slice of pizza, two of those hot dogs, an extra-large soda, two scratch tickets for luck, and the largest box of condoms you have.

Asher sucks in a breath, but I don’t turn around, not even when I hear the packet rip open. And then he’s there, right behind me, his huge body making me feel small, thrilling me, and making me feel extremely naughty because I still have my hands on the wall.

His hand trails up my thigh, pushing my dress up. My panties are long gone, and thankfully, they haven’t magically reappeared like a freaking chastity belt from outer space.

“Lord, Em, if you only knew how much I want you…”

Well, his voice is throaty and delicious, and it makes me ache with the intensity of a hungry lion. I can feel moisture trickling down my thighs. “If you only knew how much I wanted you,” I shoot back.

It’s true. I haven’t had sex in…let’s just say a very long while. I can’t say I’ve ever experienced an orgasm as good as what Asher gave me on the bed. I’ve never had mind-blowing sex, and I’ve been on this planet for three decades. I’m very, very ready.

I whimper when I feel Asher’s cock, thick and swollen, throb against the inside of my thigh. His fingers brush over my center, then he palms himself, smearing my wetness over his length. I just about collapse, die, and have a spontaneous orgasm from that alone.