Asher’s notice.

His eyes jerk up, and he actually has the decency to look half apologetic. A strange flare of heat erupts in my belly just because he noticed my obvious nipples. Seriously, how desperate can I be that I’d feel semi-delighted about that? My body warms to the point where I’m shocked my soaking wet clothing doesn’t start steaming.

“You should go home and change. Take the morning off. You can’t sit in wet clothes all day.”

“I was planning on going straight into the washroom and using the hand dryer on myself. I think that should do the trick.”

“Are you serious?”

“No. I was planning on dripping at my desk until things dried out on their own. I’m tough like that.”

“So tough that you wouldn’t mind catching pneumonia since the AC is still on even though it’s not overly nice out?”

I’m distracted, and it takes me a minute to tear my eyes away from Asher and get myself back together. Which basically involves telling myself that I was not just appreciating him in his fine, masculine glory and swiping my sodden hair off my forehead so I can see. Not that I’m going to be using it to take note of Asher. Oh no. I’ve come with a purpose, and I need to make it known. I clear my throat. Loudly. Then I clear it again as Asher watches me with undisguised amusement. Clearly, I’m making his morning.

“I noticed the men showed up to work on my fence this morning. They were sitting in trucks with their company logo on the side, probably waiting for the rain to let up. Thank you for keeping that part of the bargain. And for uh…settling it out with the neighbors. I don’t know what the lawyer said, but they came over last night and assured me that if I rebuilt the fence all the way around, which would include the length our properties share, they’d be more than happy with that.”

Asher nods, but that’s all I get. I’m losing my conviction here, so I know I have to keep going. There’s an increasing pressure in my chest that makes me feel like an overblown balloon about to burst. I know this is going to be humiliating, but I have to do this.

“It’s been quite a few days since you first came over with your proposition. Two days since our, erm, date in the park.”

My pulse spikes just thinking about that kiss which I refused to participate. At least my lips didn’t participate, but the rest of me was doing an internal party, the likes of which I’ve never felt before. Did I say party? I meant riot. Having your va-jay go rogue on you is not fun at all. I’m starting to think I might not be the only double agent around here. Maybe my lady bits are playing both sides as well.

Asher waits patiently for me to spill whatever I barged in here to announce. I think he knows what’s coming as his eyes remain steadfastly locked with mine now. They don’t dip down to my chest even once, where my arms are still firmly crossed over. I realize, all of a sudden, with the worst kind of panic, what it means. I glance down and realize I’m pushing my breasts up like two lush, round peaches. And my skirt is currently so wet that it’s probably outlining my behind like the same ripe fruit.

Bloody bananas, I should not have come in here like this. Or anywhere.

Perhaps I should have called in to explain that I needed to go home and change. That would have been the smart thing to do. And grab a freaking umbrella along the way. No, instead, I marched in here like a drowned hussy.

Whatever. I’m here, and I’m ready to make my demands.

I can’t make them out to the mysterious grandmother who appears and disappears like a pink-haired fairy godmother—a bribing godmother who doesn’t grant wishes and who promises funds but doesn’t deliver.

I lower my voice, unclench my arms a little, and decide that my humiliation is already about as bad as it can get. Asking for money isn’t going to make it worse.

“Anyway, I was saying it’s been quite a few days since we decided to…well, you know. Date. My brother called me last night, and he freaking lost his job. He got fired because he took too many sick days, but his wife is actually pregnant. She’s seven months along, and had a couple of complications. She’s had to have a lot of doctor appointments, and she’s scared. I’m not going to get into it, but they need the money. My sister-in-law has health insurance through her work, and they won’t drop her just because she’s pregnant and is having an extremely rough go at it. They’re a good place, unlike my brother’s work. Anyway, one salary, with a baby on the way and my sister-in-law having to take maternity leave, is going to be really tight for them. And I don’t want them to lose their house. Melody doesn’t need all this worry right now as it’s not good for her or the baby. Anyway, I’m not trying to give you some sob story. I was just wondering if it would be possible to…to get the money you told me you’d pay me?”