Kayden’s eyes are watering now, too, and seeing that is basically like a dagger straight into all the parts responsible for feelings. “I’m so sorry you had to make that decision and live with it for so long. No one should ever use their power over another person like that, especially to threaten someone’s family. I’m sorry my family hurt you so much.”

I’m so shocked that Sadie told him, but she probably knew I would never be able to push myself into taking the risk. I didn’t want anyone to hate me. And I still don’t want to have to force Kayden to choose between his family and me. She’s the reason he’s here now and the reason he talked to his dad. It must have been a crazy conversation.

“I…well. It’s over now—all of that. You know now. And if your dad is truly sorry, then…”

“Then you’ll quit your job and go into the taco business with me because it used to be your dream job?”

“When did I ever say that?” I have to laugh because it’s either that choked up, strange laugh blended with a hiccup, or turn into a huge bawl bag, which might still happen as I’m just barely containing it.

“You did once. When we were standing in line, forever ago, at a taco truck outside your college, you said it would be amazing to be able to make tacos for a living. Then you could eat them anytime. Plus, you’d get to work in a super cool food truck and bring lots of happiness and joy to the world in the form of tacos.”

“Did I really?” I honestly can’t remember.

“Yes. Yes, you did.”

“And you remembered that, after all this time?”

Suddenly, Kayden’s eyes get all dark and deep, and he says, “I remember everything, Rea. All of it.”

I never stood a chance. I’m melting now, the same way I was melting that day in the rain when I first saw him. Ignoring every rule of safety, I unwisely got into a stranger’s car, but it turned out to be the best decision of my life. There were some bad ones along the way, like the decision I made to leave, but now I have to make new ones, such as forgive Kayden’s dad, trust Kayden, take his hand, and move on.

Technically, I still have his hand grasped in mine, but I don’t know if it’s even a decision because what am I going to do? Turn my first love down? The man I never stopped loving? The man I could still see myself growing old with? The man who freaking bought a taco truck and dressed up like one because he just gets me and has always just got me?

Yeah right. Like I’d be crazy enough to do that.

I drop Kayden’s hand, but only to launch myself forward to wrap my arms around the big taco shell encasing him. It's far plusher than I thought. He must be dying of heat in that thing. Thank god his face is free, allowing me to kiss him with enough force to knock us both over. My hands are already roaming at the back of the suit, looking for a zipper. There has to be a zipper. But unfortunately, no, there isn’t.

“How do you get this thing off?” I hiss against Kayden’s lips.

He laughs, then kisses me deeply again, taking his time and pushing his tongue through the seam of my lips until I’m on the verge of melting again.

“You said…” I pant. “You said if I was sure…”

“If you were sure, then I’d take the costume off?”

“Well, you weren’t wearing a costume at the time, but I’m sure. So?” I arch a brow. “Are you going to take it off?”

“Are you sure you want me to? I think it could make things a little bit more…spicy.”

“Honestly, Kayden, I just want you. Just you, in all your naked, spicy glory.”

At my words, Kayden pivots. “There’s a hidden zipper. Right there,” he hurriedly says as he indicates by pointing backward.

I somehow find the zipper, but when I try and get it down, it doesn’t budge. “Shit,” I mutter. We both freeze. “I think it’s stuck.”



As Rea runs off to the kitchen, I pray to the dear lord for scissors and not a cleaver or some other huge knife, and I barely keep myself from hopping around, yelling, ‘get me out, get me out.’ I might be a tiny bit claustrophobic, and it’s hot in this suit—insanely hot, boiling hot, and sweltering, not just melting off hot.

Soon, Rea comes running back, a huge set of dangerous-looking scissors in her hand. “Don’t worry,” she says. “I ran with them pointing down. I’m always scissor-safe.”

“I was more worried about you cutting this suit off me with those things.”

“I’ll hold with one hand and make sure I’m good to go before I start cutting. And I’ll cut from the back. Just in case I have any accidents.”