I almost think he’ll at least have the decency to deny it, deny that he ruined Rea’s happiness. That he threw a big fucking wrench into my entire life, and all this unpleasantness was caused by him, but he just sighs, and I know. I know it was him. I now know he broke us up and kept it from me for all these years.

I can only sit there, stunned and shamed to my very core as all the typical shit about the family name, Rea not having money, Rea possibly stealing from me in the future, ruining our family, our businesses being threatened, and blah, blah, blah pours out. What I hear is a whole lot of excuses, and they’re said with pride. There’s absolutely no apology in there.

I’m now not the same person I was eight years ago. I’ve grown up a little, and now it’s time for me to stand up for myself. And the woman I love. It’s time for me to fight for her. For me. For a second chance for us.

Right there on the floor of my living room, sitting on my bottom when I have a two thousand dollar couch at my back, and on a floor that’s half ripped apart, I do.

I fight back.

I don’t hang up until I know my dad has the message. Louder than loud and clearer than clear. And then, also from my bottom, I sit there and put together what I’m going to say to Rea.

I know it has to be good, and it has to be truthful and sincere. It has to come from my heart, which never stopped loving her, straight to her heart, which Sadie said never stopped loving me either. It has to be the past, present, and future. I feel like I have one last chance to fix this, to set everything right.

There’s no way I’m going to let that chance go, and there’s no way I’m going to mess it up. At least, I hope. I’m not always the best with words, especially when a ton of emotion is involved. Writing it down would seem contrived, but I don’t want to forget anything or totally blank the second I see Rea’s face.

I need to speak her language.

I jump off the floor as inspiration kicks me in the butt. It’s one heck of an idea. It could easily be one heck of a bad idea, though, so I really need to move carefully. Whatever Rea thinks about it, I’m hoping it can earn me some brownie points.

Or taco points.



The last thing I’m prepared for after arriving home from work is a giant taco ambush, but that’s exactly what I get.

I’ve been home for all of ten minutes when a horn blares outside. At first, I just curse the neighbors, but when it goes off again, I have to peek out the front window, and holy tacos, there’s a freaking taco truck outside!

I throw open the front door and stare. There’s seriously a taco truck parked in front of my house. You know, the food truck variety with the massive taco on the roof. As I’m blinking at the thing in total and utter taco shock, the door of the truck opens, and Kayden steps out. He’s wearing a giant taco costume with a tiny hole cut out for the face. Why am I surprised? Kayden’s obviously capable of anything.

Of course, he’d dress up in a giant taco mascot. Of course, this would be his idea of romance, and of course, it would work.

Kayden starts doing a taco dance in that taco suit, and my taco very much appreciates those moves. My heart stutters and flops about as my eyes flood with tears, though I have no idea why. I have to flutter my eyelashes like mad to keep the waterworks from turning on full blast.

As Kayden saunters over to my front door, I move my hands to my hips, remembering I’m supposed to be tough here.

“What the heck is that?” I ask.

“That?” Kayden looks behind him at the truck, and his big taco costume bends hilariously as he gestures at it. “Oh, that. Yes. That happens to be a taco truck.”

“I can see that. But what’s it doing in front of my house, and why are you dressed like a big taco?”

“It’s my new business venture. I’m branching out and trying something new. Totally on my own. Would you like to join me?”

“What?” I gasp. I’m completely stupefied at this one. Kayden has done some crazy things in the past, namely showing up here and dropping shit piles of money to try and get my attention, including buying an actual company and a house, but this is just…just…wow.

Kayden shrugs, which looks extra comical in his taco suit. It’s like a taco saying it’s fresh out of taco fucks. “We both love tacos, so it seems like a solid business idea. I checked the zoning around here. There aren’t many competing businesses, and food trucks are allowed.” He shakes his taco booty, which looks like a tomato trying to break loose. “Plus, I’d be able to dress up like this anytime I wanted. What’s so bad about that?”