But man, I’d love to push both of us over the said cliff at the moment. At the moment, my dick would like to pistol whip me with my sack, straight across the face, for backing down like this.

It’s not like I can even take my ass into the shower because the shower is Rea’s shower, and any other shower I could hit would be a public shower, and I’m not about to get my rocks off in a public place. Or in Rea’s bathroom, with her puttering around out here, sated and glowing after what I hope was a killer climax.

If I keep thinking like this, I’m not going to have to get my rocks off. It’s just going to happen.

I stand slowly, and Rea slams her legs shut. Her face turns scarlet when she looks at me, but she bites down on her bottom lip and muscles through it.

Because she’s Rea, and that’s what Rea does.

Apparently, she’s not going to let me one-up her. She jumps down from the counter, grabs her pants off the floor, and slides into them without bothering to find her underwear. I glance around for them, but I have no idea where they are. I’m ready for her to turn around and tell me to leave her alone for the night because she wants to brood about why she shouldn’t have enjoyed that orgasm, but then she turns to me with a wicked glint in her eye.

Rea is extremely competitive, by the way. I debate the merits of making a break for it.

“What about you?”


“Yes, you. Or are you content to just give me one killer orgasm and leave?”

“So I did know what I was doing then.”

She rolls her beautiful blue eyes with its huge, oversized, pleasure blown pupils and nonchalantly says, “There’s room for improvement.” She obviously realizes the faux pas in that statement and goes back on the offensive. “So, you’re just going to uh…dine and dash?”

Jesus. Leave it to Rea to completely unnerve me. I know staying is a bad idea, but damn it, I want to stay so badly that my heavy assed blue balls feel like they’re going to swing straight out of my jeans, wrap around my neck, and hang me like a noose. Death by own balls. I think I’d be the first to go that way, but perhaps not the last.

“I really think I should go.”

Rea looks genuinely surprised. “So, you don’t want me to return the favor?”

“Lord. I definitely do. Every bit of me would like that, and more. I just…I feel like…sometimes talking things out should come first?”

“You said that like a question. No one says they want to talk instead of getting busy. No. One.”

“I do. I think it’s important.”

“This is mind games!” She throws up her hands. “You’re playing with my head. You’re all like, ‘I’m such a good guy that I’d rather talk about things and have feelings and everything and not get a BJ. Because I’m a freaking saint who gives really, really good orgasms, but I don’t need any of my own. Because I’m too saintly. Saint Kayden. Super Saintly Kayden.”

I shake my head, but I can feel a grin coming on. It’s hard to stay serious when Rea says things like that, and also when her eyes are snapping fire. When she’s offering to…I can’t think about that, or there is no chance of me staying sane whatsoever.

“I really should go. We need to talk before we take this any further. I don’t want you to do things you might regret later because they were done in the heat of the moment and not properly thought out. I want you to actually want me and not just…”

“Not just what? Because I’m turned on? You already solved that problem.” Her cheeks flush again, which tells me she’s not as impenetrable as she’d have me believe. “You always were too nice, Kayden.”

“Is that why you left? Because I’m too nice?”

“Argh! You seriously want to have this conversation right now? Right here? Right after… doing…that?”

“Would you be open to it?”


“Then I suppose I don’t. I’d rather have it when you are open to talking.”

“That will be a cold day in hell.”

“Anything’s possible, cold or not, hell or no. I’ll just bring the ingredients for tacos over again.” I leave the look at what happened this time. Tacos are like a miracle food bit unspoken. I didn’t mean to seduce Rea with tacos. In fact, I didn’t mean to seduce her at all. At least not tonight. But it kind of just happened.

My dick says it would like other things to kind of just happen, but I shut him down and shut that thought off.

“I’ll never tell you why,” Rea mutters under her breath. “No matter how many tacos you try and bribe me with.”