Will they murder me for being his daughter?

And what of Bishop?

Can Sebastian really protect me from all of this?

Chapter 18


* * *

When I emailed Jeremy the bank transactions with Georgio’s name all over them, I sent him another email to make sure he knew what to do with it.

Right now, everything should be handled so Mia and I can get back to the States, and we can get back to our lives.

I worry about that.

About Bishop.

About what will happen to us?

I had her tonight, and there’s no way I’m anywhere near done with her just yet. I still have so many ways I want to explore her sweet body.

There’s no way I’m letting her go so easily.

I just need to make sure my name is cleared before we leave Oliver’s house. Once I’m safely inside my guest room, I pull the burner phone I picked up in Shanghai from my pocket and put in a call to Jeremy.

“Did you hand off the information?” I ask as soon as he answers. “What did Don say?”

“Can’t get a hold of Don because his daughter is still off the radar. But I got a hold of Hector DeLaurio in Chicago. He is calling a meeting of the Four Families. I think he wants to either give Georgio a chance to confess, or he wants Georgio in front of him so he can’t get away.”

“What about me? Is the heat off my back?”

“Yes, Hector wants to personally apologize. I think he’s going to ask you to take Georgio’s spot. Not sure.”

I rub my hand over my jaw. “What about Mia?”

“No one’s said anything about her. I know Bishop’s after her and will stop at nothing to get these girls.”

I want to head back to the States, but how can I keep Mia safe when Bishop’s still running around. “Do you think we should stay here longer?”

“No, Mario’s been told about Enzo and Oliver. Things are about to heat up big time. Get to London. To your safe house. I can meet you there in a week or so when things settle. I can get Ronin Prince to smuggle you over to London.”

“Sure thing.”

We hang up, and I move out of my room and back down the hallway to Mia’s room. We need to get out of this house. We don’t need to be here once Mario’s men get word of what Oliver and Enzo have done.

I push Mia’s door open with a quiet knock. “Mia, we have to get out of here.”

Mia’s eyes open and she sits up in her bed. “What?”

“We have to leave.”

“What? Why?”

“Shit’s about to hit the fan.”

“Ok,” she says, pushing back the covers and standing. She slips on her shoes and together we make our way to the front door.

I’m hoping we can get out of here unseen, but that would be too easy.

Enzo stands on the other side of the door when we open it.

“Look at you two sneaking away in the middle of the night.” Enzo’s hair is all over the place and it’s hard to see this late at night, but it looks like he’s sporting a black eye.

“What happened to you?” Mia asks, reaching her hand up to touch his face.

He backs away. “Why don’t you ask your father?”

I step closer, putting Mia slightly behind my back to protect her. “I didn’t punch you, although I should have. I’m kind of jealous someone beat me to it.”

He laughs. “You wish. Nate Scott told me who you both really are. Told me I was an idiot for letting you both get away. Let me not forget what an idiot I was by smashing his fist into my face. Told me he’s been after you both since you left him in Hong Kong.”

“We can explain. It’s all a misunderstanding.” Mia pushes forward, trying to get Enzo’s attention.

“Mia, it’s ok.”

Enzo snarls at us. “I knew there was something odd about the two of you. The way you both looked at each other. How close you both are.” Enzo focuses his attention on me. “You fucking her?” He jabs a thumb in Mia’s direction.

I slam my fist into his other eye, knocking him out cold. “Let’s get out of here.” I grab Mia’s hand, and we rush down the street.

We hop into a cab, and I tell him to get us to the airport.

“What about our things at Tony’s?” Mia asks.

“Well get new things.” We need to get out of this country, before everyone knows we’ve lied to them about being a man who doesn’t exist.

When we arrive at the airport, Ronin Prince waits for us at a secret hangar. His dark hair is disheveled and he stands, pacing, in a suit. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the Prince brothers, Ronin and Gabriel.

Gabriel Prince works hand-in-hand with the Four Families, making sure our transactions are untraceable.