He smiles. “You can say that.” He moves closer to the couch, pushing a few magazines off one corner so he can offer me a seat. “Want some tea? Tea’s big over here.”

“Uh, sure. This is Sebastian Cain. He works for my father.”

Nate busily cleans up piles of papers and clothes as he makes his way to the small little area with a hot plate. “Oh, right, Sebastian. Nice to meet you, man.”

Sebastian smiles, taking a seat next to me on the dark green sofa. “Charming.”

I slap Sebastian’s knee. “Be nice.”

Sebastian’s not impressed, and it makes me wonder why we’re even here.

Nate rushes back over with three teacups and a pot of tea. He’s jumpy and sort of bounces around the room, and it makes me wonder if he’s on some sort of drugs.

Sebastian notices as well and gives me a look with one brow raised.

“Man, I’ve been here for a year, and I love it. I may never end up going back stateside.” He brushes a hand through his floppy mess of dark hair. “What brings you here, Mia?”

“Sebastian needs to talk to you.”

Nate redirects his focus on Sebastian. “What’s up?”

Sebastian pulls out a piece of paper from his back pocket. “Do these numbers mean anything to you?”

Nate takes the paper from Sebastian’s hand. He stares at it for a moment. “No, should it?”

Sebastian takes the paper back. “Do you know how I can find Oliver Grotto?”

Nate leans back in his seat. “Ah, Oliver. I remember meeting him a few times.” Nate reaches out his hand. “Let me see the paper again.”

Sebastian hands it over. “What are you thinking?”

“Oliver likes holding things in safe deposit boxes. I’m thinking this may be his box number.”

Sebastian runs a hand down his jaw. “Interesting.” He glances over at me, and I give him a smile.

“Do you know the bank where he keeps his box?” I ask.

Nate stares at me, like he’s finally waking up and realizing I’m not here alone. “Mia, why are you with him?”

Chapter 4


* * *

Obviously, news of what they’re blaming me for hasn’t reached Nate’s neck of the woods.

And why is she with me?

Who the fuck does this asshole think he is?

I’ve noticed the way he stares at Mia, like she’s a prime rib and he hasn’t eaten in centuries. It pisses me off. I know I have no claim over Mia. She’s a woman I shouldn’t think about in any way other than she’s the daughter of my friend. Of my business partner. Of the man I admire.

I would do nothing to betray his trust.

Maybe it’s the protectiveness I feel toward Mia that has me acting like a grizzly werewolf ready to rip this guy from limb to limb.

Whatever the case may be, I know this asshole is as high as a kite. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Nate has had one too many bumps of coke, or hits of meth, or whatever shit he’s tweaking on right now.

Why is she with me?

“She’s with me because I’m the only one in this world who can keep her safe.” I puff out my chest a bit, feeling like a master of the universe ready to pummel this guy into the gravel. Just call me Thor. Or Captain America.

“Safe?” Nate acts scared for Mia, and yes, I say ‘acts’ because this guy has no clue which way is up right now. “Are you in trouble?” He reaches out a hand to rest on top of Mia’s knee.

I stiffen in my seat, making sure I answer before Mia spills the beans. “She’s fine. But she’s also the daughter of a very wanted and hated man. A man who has many enemies throughout the world, so Mia shouldn’t go gallivanting around the world by herself.” I cross my arms. “But you should know all of this already.”

Like a light bulb goes off over his head, Nate smiles. “Mia, stay here with me.”

Over my dead body.

She takes a moment to answer. “Well, hmm.” She looks like she’s stuck between a rock and a hard place, not sure which place she’d rather stay.

“She’s staying with me,” I clear up for them in a voice that leaves no room for debate. “Nate, do you think this number is the safe deposit box number?”

Nate taps the paper in his hand. “It is. And I have the key.” He bounds from the couch, rushing into the kitchen.

I glance at Mia and together we follow him into the small galley kitchen, where he rummages through cabinets and drawers.

“It’s around here somewhere.”

“Why would you have Oliver’s key?” I cross my arms over my chest.

Nate stops his search, glancing over his shoulder. “Oliver and I were into many types of businesses together.”

“What’s in the box?” Mia asks, taking the words right out of my mouth.

We both stare at Nate, who shrugs his shoulders.