“Famished.” She glances around, taking in the marble statues in the living room.

“Where are we, Sebastian?” She’s looking around, like she’ll find answers on the wall.

“Hong Kong.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Well, yeah you told me that. But I mean, where are we?”

“This is one of my hideaway homes.”

Something in her demeanor changes at my words. “How often do you come here?”

“Not too often, unfortunately. But no one knows about this place so it’s perfect to hide out.”

She lifts her brow. “Cool.” She brushes past me, giving me the cold shoulder.

I don’t bother giving her a tour. I’ll let her wander if she wants to later. The place is like a fortress, and I have no fear of her running away.

I’d love to see her try.

“So, you said you needed my help?” she asks me.

“Yes, are you saying you’re offering?”

She says nothing, just follows me into the kitchen. When she gets there, she hops up onto the kitchen counter. “Are you going to tell me what you need?”

A million dirty images flash through my mind of just what I would need from Mia if things were different. If she weren’t younger than me by a lot or my best friend’s daughter. I would need a lot from her, and her sweet mouth, if she weren’t here to help me.

Chapter 3


* * *

Sebastian doesn’t say anything. He just stares at me with this blank look on his handsome face.

“Umm, hello. You need my help.”

“Yeah, let’s eat and we can talk after we get some rest.”

I know we just got off a fifteen-hour flight, but I’m actually not tired. I slept most of the journey, and I feel revived in a new country. Can you believe I’ve never been out of the United States?

Overprotective father syndrome.

He barely let me leave New York on vacations with my friends. ‘Take security’ is always his motto if I ask to leave town. It’s absurd I have to ask permission since I’m a grown woman, but I never enjoy upsetting my father. Mainly because dealing with him when he’s angry is never good.

Sebastian is a mini copy of my father, telling me no at every turn. Have you ever had to work with someone you’re attracted to? And to have that same man constantly tell you no at every turn?

It’s frustrating.

So is being transported against my will. I remember the burner phone in my bag, and a small ray of hope enters my mind. I can call my father.

“I have to use the restroom,” I tell Sebastian.

“Through the hallway and on the left, if I remember correctly.”

I laugh a little. “I’ll find it.”

I leave the kitchen, and follow his directions, walking past elaborate tapestries hanging on the wall. This place has an ancient history feel to it. Like a museum.

At the end of the hall, I find the bathroom and slip inside, locking the door. I pull out my phone, dialing my father’s number.

“Pick up,” I whisper to myself when he doesn’t answer.

“Mia, are you ok in there?” Sebastian says, knocking on the bathroom door.

“Yes, I’ll be right out,” I yell at the door. To not raise suspicion, I flush the toilet for good measure and run the sink to wash my hands. When I exit the bathroom, Sebastian stands there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

“Give me the phone.”

“What phone?”

“Come on, Mia. Stop playing around. Who’d you call?”

I take the phone from my purse, handing it over to Sebastian. “I called my father.”

“What did he say?”

“He didn’t answer.”


No it’s not good. The fact that Bishop’s on the loose and everyone knows I’m missing makes me fear for Sophia. Did someone figure it out? Did she get taken by Bishop? Is she dead?

There are so many questions I need answered.

I follow him back into the kitchen, propping a hip against the counter. “Why are we here?”

Sebastian ignores my question as he looks in the fridge for something to eat. “Do you like eggs? I had the house fully stocked.”

“Sure, eggs are ok.”

“Some toast.”

“If that toast comes with a side of answers, sure. Sebastian, why am I here?”

He pulls an egg carton and butter out of the refrigerator. “I need you to get a hold of Nate Scott for me. That’s it.”

“Nate Scott?”

“He’s here in Ngau Tau Kok district.”

“He is?” I haven’t spoken to Nate in ages, and I’m not sure why Sebastian wants to meet with him.

A long time ago, Nate worked with my father. I guess you could say Sebastian sort of took Nate’s position as my father’s number two. Either way, it has me wondering what exactly is going on and if we should worry about Bishop Blackstone.

“He’s here working for some new crime lord of the South Seas.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Sounds mysterious.”

Sebastian laughs, but his eyes are haunted with a mystery of their own. I’ve always trusted him. Should I not now? What’s the real danger here?