My father crumples to the ground, and within seconds, another shot fires and Enzo falls straight back.

“Daddy,” I shout, rushing to his side.

There’s so much blood everywhere. I press at his chest, where a pool of blood seeps through his shirt. His eyes search mine, trying to make sense of what’s going on.

Sebastian rushes to my side, assessing my father’s injuries. Sophia’s helping him, and she removes her cardigan to stop the blood.

Dean checks on Enzo. “He’s dead.”

I return my attention back to my father. “Daddy, don’t worry. You’re going to be ok.”

Sebastian and Sophia share a look and I try to ignore it. He has to survive.

“Georgio, don’t move,” Sebastian says.

My father tries to sit up. “Sebastian,” he stumbles through his name. “Take care of my daughter.” He coughs up blood as he speaks.

I shake my head. “No, you’re going to be fine.”

“Sebastian,” my father says louder.

Sebastian grabs my father’s hand. “I’ll take care of her. I promise you.”

My father smiles and closes his eyes.

“You’re going to be ok. Help is on the way,” Dean says, kneeling down beside us.

This can’t be happening. My mind is overworked and I can’t process everything going on right now. I’m completely numb, my body shivering uncontrollably. I feel a hand on my shoulder. And then another. I sob as my father takes his last breaths.

Chapter 25


* * *

It’s been several days since the action in London happened. Finding Mia was always my main concern. I was certain Bishop had her, but when I realized her father was behind it, I didn’t know what to think.

I hate that Mia’s confused and hurting. I want to ease her pain. I want to take it all away.

We made it back stateside, and I was able to smooth things over with the other members of the Four Families to give Georgio a grand funeral.

I think he just got into some trouble and couldn’t think of a better way out.

From the back of the crowd of mourners, I watch Mia, dressed all in black, sitting beside her mother, head bowed. They’re about to bury my best friend in the ground, and I stand here conflicted on how to feel about his death.

He framed me for his crimes, but I’m no longer mad at him. The hatred that coursed through my blood when I first left the States no longer fills my veins.

At first, I felt hollow. A strange emptiness washed over me when Georgio died. I didn’t know how to feel. I didn’t want to be told how to feel either.

More importantly, I felt this unbearable pain for Mia.

As they lower Georgio’s casket into the ground a sob comes from the front, and I stuff my hands into the pockets of my black slacks. I want to rush over to Mia, wrap my arms around her, and carry her away from this place.

“We’ve got men watching Mia around the clock in case Bishop shows up,” Dean says to me, as the crowd at the cemetery disperses.

“Ok, thank you.”

Mia and her mother rise from their seats and head toward a black limo at the edge of the cemetery, and I watch every step she takes, unable to look away.

“She’ll be fine,” Dean reassures me.

I nod. “Yes, of course. I have a lot to do to get settled.” I shake his hand and walk away, heading toward Hector, Don, and Harold, the other three men in the Four Families.

“Sebastian, we’re sorry about the misunderstanding,” Don says, shaking my hand.

“It’s fine,” I say. “I would like to talk to you three about what happens next. We’ll need somebody to head up the New York organization.”

Don smiles. “Actually, we’d like to discuss you taking the operation over.”

“We’ll get together soon,” I respond.

Now that everything is in its place, I want to make sure we’re handling the Bishop Blackstone issue. We say our goodbyes, and I walk away from the men.

I nod to Jeremy, and he rushes off to pull the car around.

I know it’s odd for me to hang around Georgio’s funeral, but I don’t feel like there’s anywhere else I should be.

Someone needs to be there for Mia DeWinter. Besides, I miss her.

We haven’t had a second alone since the night they took her from my place in London. I want to check in on her, make sure she’s handling everything ok.

“Take me to the DeWinter house,” I tell Jeremy, after I slide into the front passenger seat.

“Do you think it’s a good idea to show up there? I think Serena may have an issue or two with you being there.”

Serena is Mia’s mother, and I’m sure she’s not too happy with everything that went down between her husband and me.

“She’ll have to get over it. I need to see Mia.”

“Yes, sir.” Jeremy pulls away from the cemetery and I press my thumbs at the sides of my temples. It’s been a long day. Hell, it’s been a long week, and I’m ready to put this whole mess behind me.