Chills skate over my skin, grossing me out at the fact that Enzo most likely watched us have sex. No, there’s no way he could have seen anything. Maybe he knows of Sebastian’s past, or maybe he’s just fishing for something he thinks he knows.

I spit in his face. “You disgust me.”

“Leave her alone, Enzo, and check outside,” my father booms.

Enzo leaves us and I stare up at my father. I give him my best pouty face and puppy dog eyes. This look used to always work on him. “I’m so disappointed with you, Dad.”

My father makes one last ditch effort to convert me. “Mia, understand. I did this for you. For us. For your mother. We won’t ever have to worry about money ever again.”

“We never really worried before. It’s not like we’re broke.”

My father’s face says it all. He blinks. “I made some bad business decisions. We’re in debt.”

“How much?”

I don’t expect him to answer but he does. “Millions.”

I raise a brow. “Millions?” It’s like I’m living in a terrible dream. “I want to go home.”

“Mia, that life is over now. You don’t want to see the families come after me, do you?” His eyes appear hurt and my heart breaks for him. “They’ll kill me.”

“But it’s ok if they kill Sebastian instead? Daddy, he did nothing wrong.”

“So, you think he should get to live and they should sentence me to death?”

I wish somebody could wake me up from all of this.

“Dad, maybe we can work something out. Maybe Sebastian can help you.”

My father shakes his head, a furrowed brow replacing his previously scared look. “No, there’s only one way out of this.”

I’m full on lifting the chair off the floor, trying to free myself. A gunshot blasts through the air. My father shakes, fear all over his face.

“Mia,” he says, rushing over to me to release my hands. “What have I done?”

I’m set free, but I don’t know where to go. Or what to do. Somewhere out there somebody has a gun.

“Was that Enzo?” I ask my father.

He shakes his head. “I don’t know. Stay close,” he says, holding my hand as we rush to the shadows and out of the open, lighted area.

He tells me to be quiet as we crouch down behind a box. “Mia, I don’t know what I’ve done. I’m sorry.” I’ve never seen my father cry, but right now and right here, he cries before me.

I wrap an arm around his shoulders. “It’ll be ok.” Although, I no longer believe my own words.

There’s more gunfire off in the distance and I tremble as my father holds me tight.

“Mia,” Sebastian’s voice calls out from far away.

I stand. “Sebastian, we’re over here.” Before I can run in his direction, someone is pulling me by my hair.

“Don’t come any closer or I kill her,” Enzo says, holding a gun to my temple.

My eyes zero in on Sebastian and Dean standing across the room from me. I spot Sophia near the door with Jeremy. Sebastian and Dean lower their guns.

“No one has to get hurt here,” Sebastian says, placing his gun on the ground and holding out his hands. “We can just talk.”

“Shut up. We’re the ones who will do the talking.”

My father still hides behind the box and I stare at him for help. He shakes his head, and pulls a gun from his waistband.

“Daddy, no,” I whisper.

Before I can say anything more, my father points his gun at Enzo. “Let her go, Enzo. It’s over.”

Enzo scoffs. “You’re all a bunch of pussies. All over what? This girl.” He shoves the gun harder into my temple and I squeeze my eyes shut.

At the thought of everything ending here for me, if he pulls the trigger, I think about Sebastian. More than anything, I want to tell him I love him. I want to make sure they don’t kill him or frame him.

Hot tears fall from my eyes.

I’m scared.

“Enzo, let her go. She was never part of the plan,” my father says, his tone demanding and powerful.

But Enzo doesn’t budge, not dropping the gun from my head. “We had a plan. Frame Sebastian. What the fuck are you doing?” Enzo says to my father.

Dean still has his gun in his hand, not yet dropping it to the floor, most likely hoping Enzo won’t notice.

At least, that’s what I’m hoping for.

A part of me wants to sacrifice myself so Sebastian can be safe. If Enzo takes me out, then I know Dean would take him out.

“Enzo, I’m not telling you again. You let her go or else you’ll die.”

And then everything happens so fast. My father steps closer and Enzo removes the gun from my head and points it at him.

The moment the hold is taken off me, I drop to the floor and a shot is fired. It’s deafening as the sound echoes throughout the warehouse.