I hug her tighter, letting her know I’m here for her. But now I’m wondering if we can really trust Ronin Prince.

What if he told Enzo?

What if Enzo found out some other way?

Either way, I can’t wait for Jeremy to gather all the things so he can get here and we can straighten this mess out.

I still haven’t fully talked to Mia about her father, and what this all means for her. Or how she’s dealing with the news. I don’t know what to say to her and kind of hope she’ll bring up the subject first.

Because every time I even think about what Georgio DeWinter did to me, I see blood red.

Chapter 21


* * *

It’s a peaceful night. The stars hang in the skies like someone put them there just for us. They dazzle and shine, casting a soft glow around Sebastian’s patio. There’s a gentle breeze, and I hug Sebastian close, letting his warmth heat me up.

The steaks are done, and Sebastian cooked some yummy sides to compliment the dish. We’ve eaten and now we’re enjoying the night, holding onto one another.

I swear it was Enzo at the market. It looked just like him, but when I went to chase after him, he was gone.

It makes me wonder if I’m just sleep deprived.

“Sebastian, I’m worried about what comes after everything.”

“What do you mean?” He’s lying back on the lounge chair and I sit up, so I’m straddling him.

“What happens after my father gets ratted out.”

He blows out a deep breath. “Mia, I just don’t know. I’ve been thinking about that, too.”

“I’m just wondering what this means for me and my future.”

“I’ll always take care of you.”

I smile at Sebastian, believing his words. “No, I mean, I want to open my own business. Now, with my name being ruined, I’m wondering if I’ll even be able to do that.”

Sebastian caresses my cheek. “You’ll be fine.”

I breathe in deeply through my nose. “Will they kill my father?” My eyes widen. “Will they kill me?”

“No, I’ll protect you.” Sebastian kisses my cheek, his hands running through my hair as he brings me closer to him. “I’ll take care of you.”

“What about my father?”

Sebastian shakes his head. “I’m not sure. I need to understand why he did all of this. Why he would do this to me, and to you.”

I kiss his full lips, letting his tongue enter my mouth. “Make me forget, please.” I’ve never wanted a man inside me as badly as I want Sebastian right now. It’s so painful I feel like my chest could burst into a million tiny pieces. My heart’s on fire, and I try to kiss away the ache and need I have for this man.

He grips my waist, growling as my lips meet his. “I need to be inside you.”

“Yes, sir.” I lift my skirt, pushing my panties to the side.

Sebastian stares at me. “No, I want you the way I want you.”

I’m not sure what this means, but I nod, agreeing to anything for him. “Yes, sir.”

He rises from the chair, holding his hand out for me to take.

I take it.

He leads me back inside and down the hallway to the master suite.

Sebastian goes to the same mahogany dresser and opens the top drawer, and I assume he’s going to get the blindfold and bindings once again, but he surprises me when he pulls out a paddle.

It reminds me of a ping-pong paddle, and I laugh a little until I notice Sebastian isn’t laughing.

“This is a paddle. I will punish you if you don’t do as I say.”

I stare at the paddle in his hand. “What if I don’t want to be spanked?”

Sebastian runs his teeth over his bottom lip. “Do you trust me?”

I nod. “Yes, I do.” And I so do. I know this man would never hurt me.

“Then you’ll have no reason to defy me, right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” He steps closer, slapping the paddle against his other palm. It makes a loud noise and my eyes widen with surprise. “Let’s get started.”

“Should I kneel before you?” I don’t really know what I’ve signed on for.

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you that you don’t want me to. I promise you, you’ll love it.”

I nod. “Ok.”

“Now, get undressed and get on the bed.”

I do as he says, but a part of me wonders what will happen if I defy him. I decide to leave my panties on and climb onto the bed, disobeying Sebastian slightly.

I can’t help but smile back at him.

He tsks me as he moves closer, the wooden paddle resting against his shoulder. “Didn’t I say get completely undressed?”

“You did.”

“Are you disobeying me?”

I’ve never had a swarm of butterflies this wild in my belly before. I’m excited, and my heartbeat drums against my chest.

He climbs onto the bed, moving closer toward me. “On your knees, ass in the air.”