“Know what? No one knows anything. Just stick to the plan and we’ll all be fucking rich,” Oliver blares out.

“Have you spoken to Georgio? Did you tell him Donovan is here?” Enzo asks.

“No, it’s too hot to speak to him right now. He has to hide his tracks and right now he has to make sure his partner goes down for this shit.”

“Ever met his partner?” Enzo asks.

“No, some piece of shit from what Georgio says.”

I slip away to make sure no one sees me because I’ve heard enough. Georgio DeWinter stole from the Four Fathers with the help of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum over there and blamed it all on me.

I disappear into the night, remembering everything Oliver and Enzo said to one another, and I’m kicking myself for ever believing Georgio. Is this really happening?

Did Georgio really steal from everyone and blame it all on me?

Fuck. Mia. What do I even say to her? This sort of thing will ruin her life. She won’t be able to recover from something like this. If this information ever gets out, Georgio will be hunted, just like me, and most likely killed once he’s found.

Mia might become collateral damage, or worse, she’ll be blamed right along with her father. I have to warn her, tell her what her father did. But how can I?

She’ll be devastated.

I can’t do that to her.

I turn a corner and come face-to-face with Enzo and Oliver.

“Don, what are you doing here?”

I shrug, like there’s nothing amiss here. “I’d always wanted to come here.”

“Is Gia with you?”

I shake my head. “No, she’s back at the house.” I direct my attention to Oliver. “Who’s your friend?”

“Um, this is my uncle, Oliver.”

I shake his hand and both men appear nervous, shifting their gazes and fidgeting. I’m just as nervous, but hopefully, I’m hiding it better than they are.

“Nice to meet you. Did Georgio send you here?”

I have a choice to make here. I can say Georgio has no clue I’m here and have them possibly try to get a hold of Georgio to see why I’m here, or I can say he knows, and that I know.

That I know… everything.

I decide on the latter.

Because I can’t have these two contacting Georgio and telling them a man we made up is here meeting with them. Georgio is a smart man. He’ll put two and two together really quickly.

“You both should know why I’m here. Georgio sent me to make sure you two were sticking to the plan.”

They share a glance before Oliver clears his throat. “Yes, sir. We’re right on schedule.”

I don’t know what the schedule is, but I play along, making sure they’re none the wiser. I need hard evidence.

Enzo laughs a little. “I feel a lot better now that I know why you’re here. You were stressing us out. We thought you worked for the Four Families, for Hector Delaurio in Chicago.”

I smile. “Nah, we’re good. I’m with Georgio all the way. And pinning everything on that asshole, Sebastian Cain. Classic.” I laugh a little, trying my best not to blow it.

They both smile. “Poor fucker has no clue.”

He does now.

“I’m just wondering if we have everything handled when it comes to him. Are you sure Sebastian has no idea, and he’ll be handled by the end of this whole thing?”

“Yeah, he’s over in Hong Kong chasing his tail around,” Enzo says. “Don’t worry, we have someone that is going to bring him to the Four Families and then they can decide what to do with him.”

“Hong Kong, huh? What are you two doing after everything goes down?”

Oliver smiles. “I’m taking out my father and taking over his operation.”

I think of Mario and how his family works together like a well-oiled machine. “With Lucia?”

Oliver nods. “Yeah, she’s the only one who plans on sticking by our side. Bruno’s out. Everyone’s out.”

I nod. “Yeah, they all seem very traditional.”

“It’s so annoying,” Enzo says, brushing his hand through his dark hair. “What about you and your daughter?”

“I plan on returning to the States and continuing on as usual.”

Oliver laughs, slapping a hand on my shoulder. “That’s what I like about him. He is a real class act. More money than he can handle and he’s going to pretend nothing happened.”

I smile with a wicked gleam in my eye. “Maybe not nothing.”

Both men laugh and I wish this place wasn’t a church, so I could take these two assholes out with my Colt .45 ACP right now. I’d never kill someone in a church.


Even if they’re evil as fuck and headed straight to Hell.

“I’m going to check on Gia,” Enzo says, glancing at me after saying it. “If that’s ok with you.”

I smile. “Sure thing.”

We say our goodbyes, and I think about people I can trust. Can I call Hector? They made it clear that Hector is not involved in these shenanigans. I can’t just call him out of the blue. He’d never believe me.