Once we’re back at the house, as soon as I spot Sebastian, I excuse myself from Enzo to speak with my ‘father’.

“Don,” I say, leading him away from Tony. “Tonight’s the night.”

“You sure?”

I nod. “Definitely.” I replay the whole day for Sebastian, ending with the text message Enzo received, and Sebastian smiles.

“Ok, perfect. I’ll follow him.”

“Well, I want to come with you.”

He shakes his gorgeous head. “Absolutely not. I want you to stay here tonight. Stay with Tony. If anything happens, I’ll text you.”

“What if something happens to you?”

Sebastian gives me that wicked grin. “I’ll be fine.”

I grip his arm. “How can you be so sure?”

Sebastian stares at where my hand holds onto him. He glances up, his eyes meeting mine and I suck in a breath. “Mia, I promise you, I’ll be fine.”

I watch him walk away, wanting more than anything to go with him.

Chapter 14


* * *

I have to walk away from Mia before I do something I might regret. Like kiss her madly. And the only reason I’d regret it is because we’d probably get discovered and our cover would be blown.

I wouldn’t regret kissing her under any other circumstances. There’s just something about her. When I saw her getting ready for her date with Enzo, I knew I didn’t want her going. Even if it was just for pretend.

The entire day as Tony drove me around to the different shipping fronts he uses to distribute the products, I couldn’t get the image of Mia dating other men out of my head. Sure, Enzo is just for pretend, but what about the other motherfuckers she’ll most likely date when this whole thing ends and we get back to the States?

I can’t think about her and any other guy without turning completely red with jealousy.

I get ready, dressed all in black, to follow Enzo to whatever meeting he’s headed off to. Tony tries to stop me, making sure I know I’ll be missing the best meal his wife has ever cooked. I tell Tony maybe next time, and that Gianna will love anything they cook for her and step out the door.

Enzo’s waiting at the taxi stand a few blocks away and I rush toward him. He isn’t looking in my direction and a taxi pulls up and takes him away.

I reach the stand. “Where’d that man go?” I ask the man behind the counter.

“Parrocchia San Marco Evangelista.”

I pull out some money. “Same place.” Another taxi pulls up, and I hop into the back.

A church, such an odd choice for a place to meet.

I’m anxious as the taxi driver speeds away, and I hope I’ll be able to find him when I get there. Because if not then this trip is pointless.

The sun sets with an explosion of bright colors casting their glory across the sky. Such a romantic city.



It’s like it all began here, and my mind immediately falls on Mia. And what a great fall it is. I think about everything with her. The moment I first met her, knowing what a beautiful woman she was, knowing I could never have her.

I think about the kiss we shared.

And how I want to share many more kisses with her.

She’s so young.

She deserves more.

I need to pay attention to Enzo and his meeting, but my mind is occupied with Mia. I blame Rome.

I blame this sexy city, and wish more than anything I was here with Mia under different circumstances.

The taxi drops me off at the entrance of the church. My eyes scan the sidewalk and down the street, looking for Enzo.


The door to the church is open, and it’s practically empty inside since there’s no mass at this time.

My steps echo in the huge space, but nobody cares. There are hordes of tourists around this city all the time.

“Motherfucker,” I whisper to myself when I see Enzo.

A man that is an exact replica of Mario Grotto, only younger, stands next to Enzo. It has to be Oliver.

He’s taller than Enzo, and I can tell he’s the one pulling Enzo’s strings. Enzo nearly cowers next to the man as he speaks.

I need to get closer.

I’m a tall guy, but the architecture of this place plays in my favor today. I hide behind a wide marble column without making a single noise.

“Why is this Donovan Sabatini snooping around? Does Georgio know?” Oliver asks.

I’m not that close, but the acoustics are excellent. I can hear every single word they say. My ears perk at the mention of my business partner’s name.

“Georgio never said anything about Sabatini coming here to Italy,” Enzo replies. “Georgio said this was an in and out job. No one would know.”

“Look, I spoke with Georgio last week. He said that his partner, Sebastian Cain, would take the fall and no one would be none the wiser.”

“Well, you can’t tell me Sabatini is here because he just wants to look around.” Enzo paces. “He has to know.”