“We’ll have dinner in an hour,” Tony says, giving his wife Greta a kiss on the cheek.

Greta gives us room assignments. Thankfully, Enzo will be on the first floor, and she directs me and Sebastian toward a hallway on the second floor.

When we are out of sight of everyone, Sebastian stops at the door to his room.

“Mia,” he whispers, before I enter my room.


“You know I hate the idea of you and Enzo being alone tomorrow.”

I lean against the wall. “I’ll be fine.”

Sebastian smiles. “I know you will. I trust you.” He steps closer. “But, I still don't like it.”

He stares at me like a man who wants a woman. He stares at me like he never has before, and my heart beat ramps up.

I hold my breath, wishing he’d kiss me, but knowing there’s no way he can. Not here. Not right now.

If anyone found out, we’d probably be crucified. I step away from Sebastian, breaking this moment with him. Even though there’s no part of me that wants to.

The next morning, Sebastian and Tony are out of the house right after breakfast. I’m not looking forward to spending the day with Enzo, but I know it’s for the greater good.

I get all decked out in a crème-colored dress with red flowers blooming on it. I grab a comfortable brown sandal to wear, knowing we’ll most likely be doing a lot of walking.

Enzo waits for me at the bottom of the stairs, in dark pants and a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and pushed to his elbows.

I can see how other women could be interested in a guy like Enzo. He’s smart and, I guess you could say he’s good-looking, but the light he shines is a candlestick compared to the sunlight that is Sebastian.

“Ready? I have some impressive sights to show you.”

“Can’t wait.”

“Your father won’t mind me having you out at all hours of the day, now will he?”

“Don’t you worry about my father.” I give him my best seductive smile.

We head out the doors, saying our goodbyes to Tony’s wife.

“Gia, do you trust me?” Enzo says, once we’re away from the house.

“I guess so.” I do a little shrug.

“Ever seen the Colosseum?”

My lips lift into a smile. “No.”

Enzo swells with pride and we walk another block to where we catch a bus to take us there. “Men used to fight in the Colosseum,” he explains as if I don’t know, “and they called them gladiators.”

It’s nice to know he thinks I’m brainless, but I play along. “Sounds very romantic.”

Enzo laughs at this. “It’s not at all. But don’t worry, I have some romance lined up for us later.”

My stomach drops, feeling uneasy, and I wish I could spend the day with Sebastian instead of Enzo. I think about Sebastian, the way he gazed at me this morning before he left. How badly I wanted to rush into his arms and have him kiss me once again. His kisses are incredible. And soul-searing. And hot. I can’t think about anything else as Enzo and I sit on the bus and head toward the Colosseum.

We arrive and when we exit the bus, I stare straight up, gazing at the construction of this masterpiece. Enzo and I take the tour, learning all about Rome and the history of the Colosseum.

“This is still the largest amphitheater still standing in the world today,” the tour guide says with a smile.

Enzo’s phone pings with a message and he’s very secretive when he steps away to read it. He hides in a corridor as if he has all the time in the world to read his message.

He appears agitated as he taps away at his phone. He rubs at the back of his neck with one hand as he stuffs his phone into his pocket with his other.

He plants a big smile as he makes his way back over to me.

“Everything ok?”

“I just have to meet an old family friend tonight.” He grits the words out through his teeth.

It’s obvious he’s not happy about the change of plans. His eyes appear tired, cloaked in shadows as he tries to pretend all is well.

“Ah, ok.”

He wrings his hands together as he tries to smile. It’s almost like the muscles in his face no longer work. “Gia, understand how much I want to be with you tonight, but this is business, and I can’t push it off.”

“No, it’s completely fine. I understand. You do what you need to do.”

I’m actually happy about this news. Time to find Oliver.

Cha ching. All this pretending will finally pay off once Enzo leads us directly into the lion’s den.

He nods, and we finish the rest of the tour. We cut our day short because of Enzo’s meeting, and I can’t wait to let Sebastian know that Enzo is most likely meeting up with Oliver tonight.