And I can get home.

For a split second the thought of going home makes me sad. I like spending all this time with Sebastian. It’s as if we’re a team. Me and him against the world.

I almost don’t want it to end.

Will things be the same when we go back home?

My thoughts should be focused on picking up clues from Enzo, but, that’s not what I’m thinking about at all.

No, I’m sitting here in the train station, waiting to leave for Rome, wearing a dress that makes me feel sexy. And I’m staring at Sebastian who is sexy in his suit with his arms crossed over his broad chest. He speaks with Tony and he just appears powerful. No smile. Direct.

He catches my eye every now and then.

It takes my breath away each time our eyes meet.

I can’t pretend to be his daughter much longer, because all I want to do is jump his bones.

I do my best to pay attention to different things.

Ooh, look at that couple walking their cute little baby in a stroller. They’re holding hands, and I wonder for a second if Sebastian and I could ever—


Ooh, look at the guy standing on the platform. He checks his watch, obviously waiting on the train that’s about five minutes late so far. It reminds me of how punctual Sebastian is. I once remember my father saying to me he never had to set any alarms because Sebastian always kept him on his schedule.

This isn’t working, so I try to focus my attention on anything that isn’t Sebastian.

“You look like you’re studying for a test,” Enzo says, when he notices me flipping through a magazine.

I slam the magazine shut. “I just want to make sure I’m well versed about,” I flip the magazine over to catch the title, “Nuts and Volts.”

Enzo laughs at this. “Big car mechanic, huh?”

I smile, my cheeks warming. “Ok, maybe I’m not the best traveler so I was trying to calm my nerves.”

He jabs a thumb over his shoulder toward the track. “Are you afraid of trains?”

“Yes.” But not really. The whole reason I was flipping through that magazine was to get my mind off the way Sebastian looks right now.

In his suit.

With the arched brow.

And the wicked smile.

My cheeks warm once again and I need to get my act together.

“If you want, you can sit next to me and I’ll keep you safe.”

I really want to tell him I’d rather sit by my fake father, but I don’t. “I’d love that.”

You never know if we may need the inside scoop with Enzo. And as the old saying goes, ‘Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.’

The train arrives and we board. Sebastian sits across from me next to Tony, and Enzo plops down beside me. Sebastian rolls his neck slightly to the side, his eyes narrowing on Enzo.

“I’m glad I was able to tag along with you to Rome,” Enzo says.

“Happy to have you,” Sebastian says back with zero enthusiasm in his voice.

I nod. “Yes, very excited.”

Enzo leans closer. “Are you?”

I stare into his beady eyes. “Yes, of course.”

I can see now Enzo is questioning my loyalty. He’s questioning if I’m playing a part, or if I really am interested in him, and I need to make sure I don’t blow this.

I smile, lowering my voice, “Yes.”

We fill the rest of the ride with Tony telling us about his house in Rome. How we’re all welcome to stay with him and his family, and how Sebastian can join him tomorrow to see him in action.

“Don,” Enzo says to Sebastian, “I was wondering if I could show Gia the city tomorrow while you and Tony look over the distribution.”

Sebastian understands the game, and smiles. “If Gia would like that. I don’t have any issues with it.”

I smile, letting Enzo know I’d love to spend the day with him. It makes me question if he’ll be trying to contact Oliver tomorrow while we’re out.

I can play detective, making sure I don’t let this man out of my sight.

He will lead us right to Oliver.

As if on cue, Enzo pulls his phone out of his pocket and taps the keys.

I try my best to see what he’s typing, but Sebastian’s eyes meet mine, and he shakes his head slightly, telling me not to bother. So I don’t, because I’d hate for our cover to be blown so early.

The train rolls into Rome later in the afternoon, and Tony gets us to his house, a property built in the 19th century that has been in his family for generations.

“We renovated it a couple years ago.” He smiles. “Updated most of the plumbing and appliances,” he says proudly.

As he should be. The house is eclectic, the perfect mix of old world and modern comfort. On the first floor, there is an apartment he uses as his office. The family lives on the second and third, and there is a rooftop terrace, perfect for entertaining.