“You need to find me tonight if Enzo tries anything with you.”

Unsure why I’m continuing to poke the bear, I step closer, swaying my hips a tiny bit. Sebastian clocks my movements. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“Mia, I mean it. I won’t have you getting yourself hurt because you think Enzo is something he’s not.”

“What do I think he is?”

Sebastian pushes off the wall, pinning me to the spot with his stare. “You think he’s a nice guy.”

“No, I can tell the difference between a nice guy and a bad guy.”

“Do you really know the difference?” he asks.

I swallow. “I think so.”

He dips his head and whispers against my ear, “What am I?”

“You’re the hero of the story,” I manage to get out.

“You sure about that?”

I’m not sure of anything right now. Sebastian’s so close, I can smell his fresh scent. My body burns with a white-hot fire it’s never felt before. “Yes,” I peep out.

His hot breath hits my cheek as he eliminates any space between us, his palm braced on the wall above my head. “Why do you think that?” He presses his hard body into mine. “Mia, answer me.”

“Because you’re looking to rescue me.”

He shakes his head, breathing me in as he does. “No, that’s not true.”

“It’s very true.” I stare into his intense eyes. “You want to save me from Enzo.”

Sebastian growls slightly. “I hate that fucker, and the way he looks at you.”

I swallow. “How does he look at me?”

Chapter 10


* * *

I’m too close to her. I’m drunk off her fresh scent of soap and coconut shampoo.

The thought of her and Enzo together enrages me. I’ve seen the way he stares at her, and I don’t like it.

I lean in, capturing her lips with mine, taking my sweet time to enjoy her mouth plush against mine. My tongue demands entrance to her mouth, and she moans as she opens up for me.

And oh, what a downward spiral type of fucking kiss it is.

Her lips connect with mine like perfection.

I run my fingers through her silky, wet hair as my tongue explores every bit of her mouth. She doesn’t plan on stopping this kiss soon, and neither do I until there’s a voice downstairs shouting, “Hello, anyone here?”

Mia and I pull away from each other, her eyes as big as saucers. I’m still dizzy from being so close to her that it takes me a minute to get my bearings together.

“Get dressed. I’ll deal with whoever’s downstairs.” I run my fingers through my hair and then wipe my lips. I reposition my cock that’s not thrilled to not be getting any action at the moment, and I head downstairs.

Lucia smiles at me as I walk down the stairs. She’s in a yellow dress with tiny red flowers all over it, and her short reddish-brown hair is curly and big.

“I wanted to check on you,” she says when I reach the landing. “Make sure you had an escort to the party.”

“I think I can find my way there.”

“But why wait? Why not walk in with me on your arm?” Lucia is a very confident woman, and I can understand why. Daughter of a mob boss allows for certain assurances. I’m sure Lucia has never had a man turn her down. With who her father is, I can see why.

I glance upstairs. “Well, I should wait for my daughter.”

Lucia waves her hand in a dismissal of what I’ve said. “Enzo is on his way. He’ll make sure she makes it to the party.”

I try to pretend I’m not bothered by this news, but Lucia must notice my apprehension. “Don’t worry. Enzo’s a great guy. Gia would be lucky to have him.”

“I disagree.”

She wraps her arm in mine with a wide smile. “Ah, the protective type. I love it.”

“Who all will be here at this party? The whole family?” I don’t want to flat out ask if Oliver will be there, because it’s obvious from Mario’s earlier words that he won’t be, but hopefully somebody will be able to tell me where Oliver is hiding.

Lucia shrugs. “Yes, a lot of important people my father knows.”

Well that answers nothing. I smile, leading Lucia out the doors, because there’s no way I’m getting out of not escorting her to this party. I call up to Mia upstairs to let her know I’m leaving and then we walk out the front door.

We cross the grounds toward the main house. I spot Enzo on his way to pick up Mia.

“Hello, sir,” he says to me as he passes.

I give a little grunt. “Don’t take too long or I’ll escort you to the party.”

“Yes, sir.” He moves a little quicker as he heads closer to the house.

Lucia leans closer to me as we walk. “She’ll be fine.”

I obviously trust him enough to get her to the party, because if not, I’d turn around and wait for her to come down the stairs. It’s not a good idea for me to do that, though. I want to finish that kiss we shared, but I can’t let that happen again. Standing there, waiting for Mia to get out of the shower, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to accomplish. I wanted to warn her about Enzo, the fact I know he’ll be making a move on her soon and wanted to make sure she knew she could turn to me in any type of situation if something happens. That I’d be there for her.