However, my attention is across the table where Enzo chats up Mia. I try not to roll my eyes when Mia laughs at something he says.

My blood boils when he touches her hand.

“How long are you in town for, Don?” Lucia asks, leaning closer, nearly touching my right side.

Without looking at her, I grab a piece of bread and dip it into my pasta. “Few days.”

I try to act like I’m not phased by Enzo and Mia, but I seriously want to punch the fuck out of him.

Mario says to Lucia, “Don is here to check up on the family. I have a few things to show him.”

I position myself where my focus is on Mario and not Lucia. “Both your sons work with you?”

“Bruno is my main guy. He handles the day-to-day.”

“And your other son?” I’m trying my hardest to get this man to talk about Oliver.

Mario shares a look with his wife. “He isn’t in the family anymore. He does his own thing now.”


“What about your wife and daughter?”

Mario smiles. “They take care of the house and bookkeeping. We have workers to run the vineyard.” Ah yes, the vineyard, the way we’re able to smuggle our shipments across the borders.

Georgio and I have been using the Grotto’s wine label for years. The Grotto’s get manufactured guns from China, and ship them to us in America through their ‘wine’ shipments so we can sell them. Now I have more riddles to solve.

Why is Nate really in China?

Is there something going on with the shipments?

Is this why the families think I’m stealing money off the top of each gun sale?

Is it really Oliver and Nate?

“Interesting.” It’s not interesting at all. The only thing I care about is Oliver and his whereabouts, but I can tell by the vibe I’m getting from Mario, the subject of Oliver is not up for discussion.

A foot rubs my ankle, and I stiffen in my chair. I turn my attention back onto Lucia and smile, moving my foot away from her wandering toes, but within seconds she finds my leg again.

“Wonderful meal,” I say to Elena, sitting up straight so I can get my leg away from Lucia once more.

Elena beams, warm and friendly, and passes me more bread. “I’ve put your daughter in the guest house with you. It’s a three-bedroom home. Is that ok? Or, would you like her placed elsewhere?”

“She can stay with me,” Enzo says, from across the table.

“She’ll stay in the house with me.” That’s not up for debate.

Enzo leans back in his seat. “Dude, I get it. The overprotective father vibe, got it.”

Enzo’s mother smacks him upside the head. “Be respectful to our guests.”

Like a scolded child, Enzo raises his eyes to meet mine. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“Gia’s not here for extracurricular activities. Neither of us are.” I stare hard at Enzo, praying he tests me more. I’d love nothing more than to hurt him.

Mia smiles. “Thank you for the offer, but I should focus on business while I’m here.”

“I agree.”

We finish our dinner as Mario describes the hundred-acre property nestled between the coast and the mountains. After the meal is over, he tells me about their unique wine as we head out to the patio to smoke a couple of Romeo and Juliet cigars. Just Mario and I, alone.

It’s nice to get away from the chatter of the family, and we look out over the vineyard.

“I built this from the ground up.” He lights his R&J and takes a puff. “My father worked hard every day and when he died, I got everything.”

“Hard work is important.”

“You teach your daughter about hard work?”

I laugh a little, puffing on my cigar. “Can you really teach kids anything?” It makes me think about Mia’s work ethic. She’s a hard worker in the restaurant. Sometimes too good. She’s always thinking of ways to bring new business to the place, but it’s not always about that.

We don’t need the extra attention.

Yeah, Mia already has a great work ethic. Even now, she’s trying hard to play the part of my daughter.

Mario smiles with a small chuckle. “Yeah, some of my kids never listen to me.”

Is he talking about Oliver? I sit quietly, hoping he’ll expand on the subject, but instead he just sits back in his seat, puffing on his cigar and taking in the scenery.

It’s silent between us for a good five minutes, and my thoughts turn to Mia, wondering what she’s doing inside the house.

Is she flirting with Enzo?

Mario’s mind must be in the same place, because he says, “Your daughter is beautiful. I think she really likes my grandson, Enzo. I’ll have him show you both to the guest house.”

Perfect. Maybe I can lay down the law with the both of them. Let Enzo know once and for all that a hook up between the two of them will not happen while we’re here.