“You could just lie to me and say you’ll be fine.” She tilted her head a little and tried to smile.

“I’m not going to lie to you,” I said and stood close to her. “The fact is, things are going to get worse before they get better. I need you to understand that before we move forward. I won’t make you stay if you don’t want to.”

She opened her mouth then shut it again and looked down at the sidewalk. Cracks spread out around her feet and she rubbed her toe against them. I wanted to reach out and brush her hair from her face but I held back, not sure if this was the moment for that.

“All this feels like a dream,” she said, whispering more to herself than to me. “You know what I mean? It feels like it’s not real, like it’s happening to someone else.”

“It’s real, princess,” I said, and tilted her chin up to look me in the eye. “I’m going to kill the Healy family, and I’m going to take care of you. All I need is for you to say you’re with me.”

She let out a breath. “I’m with you.”

“Good girl.” I kissed her gently on the lips. “Now, come on. We’ve got a job to do.”

“A job?” She sounded unsure as I ducked my head back into the bar and called for Tomaso. He bounded over, grinning huge.

“Did you tell her?” Tomaso asked.

“Not yet,” I said. “You go ahead.”

He grinned at Ash like a puppy with a new toy. “I know where those guys are,” he said.

“What guys?” Ash asked, looking at me, confusion etched in her eyes.

“The guys that tried to kill you two,” Tomaso said. “I know where they go. We’re gonna roll up on them right now.”

Ash’s mouth fell open. She blinked rapidly and I stared at her, my heart beating a steady rhythm. “You in or are you out?” I asked my little princess, my spoiled rotten beautiful girl. I wanted to drag her down this dark path and make her see what sort of man I really was, and if she could stand to look at me after I had blood on my hands then I knew she truly was the girl I wanted, the woman of my dreams, the rightful mother to my children.

“I’m in,” she said. “Shit, I guess I’m in.”

“Good,” Tomaso said, grinning huge. “Let’s go kill the fucks.”

West Philly was a sprawling section of city on the far side of the Schuylkill River. The Healys had control of most of it, from the south edge to the north, and out into the suburbs, though their influence stopped at the Main Line.

I parked outside of a small strip of stores with apartments up above them. Tomaso leaned forward from the back seat and pointed at a place with a big blue door and glass windows. “That’s it,” he said. “West Fish.”

“West Fish?” Ash asked, making a face.

“I guess it’s a seafood place,” I said. “A fish market or whatever.” I looked back at Tomaso. “You’re sure about this?”

“Positive,” he said. “I’ve been asking around all over the fucking place after it happened and I’m sure it’s these guys.”

I reached across Ash and opened the glove box. Inside were two guns, both loaded. I handed one back to Tomaso and tucked the other into my waistband.

“All right,” I said. “Here’s the plan. We go in there, I kill the fucks, and then we get out of here as fast as we can. Understood?”

“That’s not really a good plan,” Ash said, mouth hanging open. “It’s the middle of the day and you plan on murdering two guys.”

“It’s surprisingly easy,” Tomaso said. “Most people don’t pay attention to shit, and once the shooting starts, all the chaos means nobody will notice us leave. I’ve done it before, right in broad fucking daylight.”

“You’re insane,” Ash said, shaking her head.

“Then stay here,” I said. “But we’re going.” I nodded back at Tomaso. “You good?”

“Real good, boss.” He grinned and bounced in his seat. “Let’s get in there.”

I put a hand on Ash’s leg. “You don’t have to come. Stay here and keep the truck running.”

I pushed open the door and stepped out. There weren’t many people around—a young couple sat on a bench to my left, and a homeless guy lounged on cardboard at the end of the block, but otherwise it was quiet.

Tomaso came after me, and Ash kicked open her door and sprinted after him. I felt a surge of pride as we hustled across the street and toward the door of West Fish.

This was a bad idea. Ash was totally right about that. We were deep in Healy territory and had absolutely no plan at all.

But those motherfuckers hit me on my own turf, and it was time to hit back. Tomaso was a little crazy and way too eager to get his hands dirty, but when it came to killing, the guy was completely dependable. If he said he was sure these guys were responsible, then I trusted him.