“Things seem to be going well with Nathan,” Mom observed, “The two of you getting along, I mean.”


There was no point in lying. Nothing much got past Mom. There was no point in coming out with the whole truth though. She probably knew already, her arrival to my bedroom seeming a bit too Johnny On the Spot.

Nate could feel it and, if I were honest, I could too. I might have stopped before losing my cherry, Nate might have held back after he found out, though if it weren’t for Mom’s intervention, there is a good chance I would have woken up deflowered. While she wasn’t exactly a prude, I got the strong feeling Mom would prefer that I was married before I lost my virginity.

“I’d prefer it if you left the door open,” Mom said, off-handedly.

My face burned, but I just nodded. “Of course,” I agreed, dropping the empty soda cans into the recycling bin.


“We’re friends, Mom.”

“Friends, hey?”

“That’s right.”

“That why he was wearing the same shade of lipstick as you? My, that is very modern. Maybe you could teach him how to put it on a little better so it’s less smudged.”

The flames in my cheeks burned even hotter. If I didn’t know any better, I could have sworn I saw a smile.

“I’d better turn in, work in the morning.”

“Night, Mom.”

“Night, honey.”

She gave me a big, mom-like hug and disappeared up the stairs. As soon as she was out of sight, I dashed to look in the bathroom mirror. My carefully applied Cherry Noir was indeed smeared in a most unladylike way. How had I not noticed, at least before he left? Had he wiped it away, at least after Mom had left?

At least there no longer any question as to whether Mom knew. On the upside, she didn’t seem to mind. As long as we kept the door open, and our pants on, for the foreseeable, there shouldn’t be a problem. There was no doubt I wanted him, I just wanted to make sure I was ready.

Not just because I was a virgin so long, but I was honestly scared. I’d heard so real horror stories about first times. Nate wouldn’t hurt me on purpose, but I’d seen what he was packing, and imagining that fitting inside me was…daunting. Nate wasn’t a big guy overall for a football player, but he was still on the upper end of average. And that bulge…well, that was definitely not average. Warmth came to my cheeks as the memories came flooding back. The feeling of his hard, warm bulge rubbing up against me.

I reached down my pussy as I felt it growing wet at the memory. I wasn’t so innocent I didn’t know what was happening. I’d even touched myself a few times. Not particularly well but it did the job decently enough.

I’d never been that turned on though, and immediate action was required. Putting my hand down my pants to ease the pressure, I got to my bedroom as soon as I could, stripping off my jeans and panties the second the door closed. I just stood there a moment. My back against the door, savoring the sweet relief. The feeling of fresh air on my aching pussy.

I fell back onto my bed, my legs falling open wide, my hand caressing down along my belly and over my pelvis, coming to a rest on my outer lips. Lightly petting the outside, my inner lips too sensitive to touch without some lead up.

Breathing out slowly, trying to center myself, I caressed the inside of my pussy, sending a quiver of pleasure through me. Setting down into the delicious feeling, I started working on slow circles, pressing near my clit, getting me to gasp with joy. Getting up a good, steady, rhythm, I closed my eye, like I did while meditating, and let my mind drift.

It was like a fairy tale, thankfully more Disney than Brothers Grimm. Nate standing with the minister, waiting to make all my dreams come true, as Hank walked me down the aisle. The trail of my dress running far behind, the end at some unseen point beyond the church doors.

The words flowed like water from my soul, despite both sets of vows being written in advance. The cool steel ring hugged my finger as Nate slid it into place, claiming me as his own, before I did the same to him.

We came together in a natural fit, our tongues meeting in sweet unison. All our friends and loved ones watched and applauded in support.

It was like levitating. My new husband carrying me to the bridal suite, as though I weighed nothing. My train had been removed sometime before the reception purely for practical reasons. More was the better when it came getting through the door, so we could begin our honeymoon, Nate about to educate me in the ways of physical love.