“I told Mom she could come over, see the baby,” I whisper. “If it’s not okay, I’ll just go by and chat and she can come another time. It was impulsive.”

V’s lips curl into a dreamy smile little smile. “I told someone from Netflix we might do a documentary.”


The baby’s hand twitches, and I shut up, even as my eyebrows arch up to my hairline.

V grins. “Sorry,” he mouths.

I ruffle his hair. “I’ll need details on that.” I lean down and brush my lips over his. “Be back soon with Mom. You good?”

He smiles, soft and sleepy. “Very.”

Rayne and baby are still sleeping when I get back with Mom. He looks so perfect lying there on his back, like a prince who should be sleeping on the forest floor, a soft breeze fluttering his hair over his brow. I want to lie down with him and pull him against me. He’s not too close to baby, but his arm is sort of arched around her without touching her.

"Now that's a picture," Mom whispers. She gets it with her phone, and I grin, taking a photo of her at the same time.

She beckons me toward the kitchen. "We should let your sweetheart sleep. He's probably exhausted."

“Probably,” I agree.

"At least he’s not postpartum.” Mom winks.

"Do you have tips for us?" I grin, leaning back against the counter.

"Oh, I don't know. It's been thirty-some odd years since I cared for a baby that small. She is beautiful. How sure are you that you can keep her?"

"My gut says it'll work out, and the lawyers seem optimistic. But we're not positive yet."

"I'll be praying." She says it like a promise.

I give her a hug, and she says, "Do you have what you need for her?"

Comically, the doorbell rings. "I bet that's it right now. Rayne said he ordered some stuff."

Vance and Eden rouse as we walk back into the living room. V holds Eden, who looks so tiny in his big hands. She just blinks around at all of us.

“What perfection,” Mother declares.

“Let me get the door,” I say.

"I'll do that." Vance hands me yawning Eden. "I don’t mind."

V goes to the door, and I pass Eden off to Mom and hurry after, realizing we don’t know for sure that it’s the baby stuff delivery; it could be any number of blights—but it is the baby supplies. I’m relieved to see a man in a blue shirt talking to V. After a few seconds confirming he’s not a bad actor, I go back into the den, where my mom is holding Eden close.

I snap a picture.

"Smells just like a baby,” Mom says.

"That's a relief.”

I join Vance in directing two movers toward a guest room that's across the hall from ours.

"She's not sleeping in here," I tell him as I note a baby crib.

"I know." He grins.

I'm shocked to see how much he ordered.

"This is beautiful,” I say, admiring the textures and the fabrics; she’s got a rug that’s a map of the world, several white-washed, dainty little tables, plus a matching dresser, and several sets of long, thick, lilac curtains. “You did a great job, Daddy."

He looks down at his feet like he does when he’s shy. "Thanks."

I tip the movers and watch them leave via the security cam view on my phone as Rayne sits in the plush armchair that doubles as a rocking chair.

He holds his arms out, and I gladly sink down to my knees and wrap my arms around his waist. I lean my head against his thigh. He feels warm through his clothes.

"Hey there, Papa." He cups my chin and lifts my face up. “I’ve been missing you."

I kiss his knee, smelling his Vance smell that I love so much, and wrap my arms around him again. Once I start hugging him, I can't seem to stop.

He hugs me back harder. "We're still okay, my Skywalker.”

I can't help a rueful smile against his warm chest. "How do you always know?" I half-groan.

"I'm a Luke McDowell expert."

I rise up on my knees, so I can touch him more easily. I run my hand behind his nape and into his short, soft hair. "You're an angel," I say hoarsely.

"Just a guy who found his person." He smiles, and it’s so romantic, I can’t help a big grin.

"Man, I want you under me."

Vance grins. "Dude, your mom is in the den."

"Let me go peek out there. Is the baby fed and stuff?"

"She’s not now,” he says, “but she will be if your mom can feed her."

“I’ll go make a bottle. You go to our room and wait.”



"Are we savages, Sky?" I ask him.

"When grandma's over, we should take advantage,” Luke says.

"Shouldn’t we be out there talking to her?” I ask. “What if she hears us?"

He kisses my mouth harder. "We're in the closet." Luke laughs. "Literally only physically, this time. She's not going to hear us, and I need you. I missed you today. I need to feel you."