I remember how I thought he'd left, when Pearl and Arman were driving me home. I was so sleepy, and I couldn't find him. I said something to Pearl like how she better get him back.

And then he was here. In this bed. This is where I found out I'd been outed. I could see it. I could see God's plan, for just a second. Taking something off me that I couldn't lift without help. I wasn’t sure how to do it. Maybe didn't have the courage, either. I never had to come out as a gay megachurch pastor.

I was outed as the love of beautiful Vance Rayne. My Vance—so gorgeous that some people online laughed about it. That someone who looked like a swarthy, sexy pirate would want a square like me.

I kiss his jaw now, warm and rough with stubble, and he turns his head so our mouths can meet. I love kissing him when he's asleep. One open-mouthed kiss, and his probing tongue in my mouth makes me want to be inside him. Or have him in me. I don't know which one I want more.

He turns more fully toward me, lifting his eyelids, and I can tell from his face that he's trying to assess me, to see how I’m doing.

"You okay?"

I can see him in the hospital bed another day he asked that. My chest hurts at that memory.

“I’m okay.”

We kiss again, so hot and deep my cock is throbbing.

Rayne smiles, heavy-lidded. "Someone woke up ready to go." He grins, not breaking eye contact as his hands find my cock and one hand works me while his other wraps around my balls, rolling and then squeezing harder than I expect.

I can't help a sharp moan.

"That right?" Now his eyes are open more. I reach for him, catching his thick tip in my hand, dragging my thumb over the little slit where he leaks when he’s worked up.

I give him a slow stroke. "Like a steel bar," I smile, and he breathes harder as I give him a few more strokes.

“Fuck…I’m ready.”

“Get or be got?” I whisper.

He smirks a little. It becomes a teasing grin. “I want what you want.” His mouth finds mine again, making my heart pound with a few deep, gentle kisses.

He pulls away, stroking my shaft and cupping my balls. "This day is about you, Sky babe. Tell me what you need so I can give it to you."

I shut my eyes, and his mouth sucks at the base of my throat. "I know how to fix you up. Take you away." His voice is low and raspy, making my balls draw up. "Lemme get the lube and I'll be in that in about ten seconds."


Sky rolls over, giving me a view of his ass, which is looking mighty fine in deep green boxer briefs—this fancy brand he likes, that he's got me wearing because they're so damn comfy.

I'm so hard by the time I get back to him with the lube, I'm throbbing just thinking of wedging my dick between those taut cheeks. The internet has marveled over Luke’s rear end for years. Nice and thic, but all fucking muscle. Like the rest of him.

I got him bulked up again down on the boat. He ate a bunch of pasta, lean protein, and this good vegan sherbet we found at a port, and we both lifted almost every day. We came back stronger, and since we got home, he’s been hitting the home gym like a maniac.

I lube my fingers good and spread him open.

Usually when we do this, whoever's bottoming stays on his back so we can see each other. But I’m betting that right now he's needing to check out. That's why he's face-down with his arm around a pillow. He just wants to forget the day ahead, and I want to help him do that.

I push two fingers in, stroking so deep that chills pop out on his skin, and when I think I've got him lubed, I repeat, making him groan as he lifts his hips off the mattress.

I tug on his big balls, rolling them together in my hand. "Looking good, McD." I stroke his sac lightly, just the way I know will drive him insane, and he grinds his dick into the sheets.

“You’re good,” he groans.

I slick some lube on myself and rub my head against him. I'm so hard. My legs feel weak with wanting in him.

I reach under him and give the base of his cock a squeeze. "Ready for me, baby?"

"Yeah,” he rasps.

I stroke his back, getting ready to push in and make him see stars. Instead, my Sky rolls over. He leans up so he can kiss me, his mouth bruising then gentle. His hands stroke my nape, and then his fingers cup the back of my head as if to say mine. He rises up so we're both on our knees, breathing hard as we go at each other.