I grin as I hang a right at an intersection. Yeah, that's right. Vance Rayne is my husband. I get a funny feeling in my stomach as it really hits me. We got married last night. Flew to Vegas, tied the knot, and I’m a married man. Forever.

I don’t care what anybody says—I think it’ll be good for my pastor image. It'll look as if I waited until I found Mr. Right, Mr. Commitment-Worthy, to come out. Which...I guess I did. And then I married him as soon as I could.

I grin again, looking at my shiny ring. Finally made it as a family man. I visualize my dad and almost get choked up thinking of what he'd say. Then I realize I should probably call my mom soon. Before she gets online and sees a photo someone snapped last night. I’m sure they’re already up on tabloid sites, but so what? What did we do that was so wrong? Danced a little?

I can't wipe the stupid smile off my face as I drive in the direction of the church’s campus. Then, instead of calling Mom, my dialing finger goes for Rayne.

I can hear him smiling as he answers. "Hey, man. Long time, no talk."

"I know, right?” I’m cheesing so hard my cheeks ache. “Forgetting the sound of your voice. Had to hear it again for a minute."

The baby cries, and a low chuckle slips from my throat. "Gotten higher-pitched. What are you doing over there?"

He's still smiling as he says, "This one, she's rowdy. She doesn't like it when I talk to somebody else, do you Little Missy?"

"Hey, I have a name now, Daddy."

"Yes you do," he says, to her. "And I like your name. I don't know if I can use it, though. I'm not big on names. You're gonna end up being Edey or Cupcake or something."

"Edey?" I screw my face up.

"She likes it, don't you, Missy?"

"Maybe she does,” I admit. “I don't hear her now."

"Because she's smiling," he says in a sort of sing-song way that lights my chest up. "I read on my phone that babies can't smile yet, but ours can. I'm just gonna put you up on my shoulder,” V says to her. “Not the hurt one. And I'm gonna hold your head and let you look around while I walk. Okay, I'm back," he says in his normal voice to me.

"You're great with her," I manage through my tight throat.

"So are you, Big Papa."

My eyes sting as I brake for a light. "Do you think your mom and my dad are losing it up there? We got married and had a kid in less than twelve hours."

He laughs. "Probably so, Sky. But I think my mom would be happy."

"I think my dad would be, too. If he could get past being worried."

"You gonna call your mom soon?"

"Yeah, I need to. I just wanted you first."

"Feel a little lonely driving in alone with that ball and chain on your finger?"

I smile. "I love looking at it. Sort of looking forward to showing it off."

"Sort of?" He feigns offense then adds, in his husky voice, "Just teasing. I know you, my McD. For somebody who shares so much, you run on the shy side about things that really matter."

"Yeah," I manage. "Close to the vest."

"Maybe we should bring her over to meet your mom. Like, tonight. You think that would be too much?"

I chuckle. "I don't know. It might be. But...she'll need to find out. Why not in person? Let's go over after I get off. Should be around five, but I could make it four, I think. I don't have a scheduled meeting past 3:15."

"You sure?" Rayne asks.

"Yeah. I think she might be happy. Who doesn't love a baby?"

"No one." I can tell Rayne’s smiling. Eden cries again, and I say, "I can let you go. You sure you don't need anything? Some kind of assistant to come over? Mix the bottles?"

"Nah, I got this. We'll come by the office at noon if you want. Maybe we could bring some lunch."

My stomach flips, but I say, "Do it."

"You sure?" He can read my mind, I swear.

"Yeah. I'd love to see both of you. Have that ass ready. We can pass her off to Pearl for just a bit and I'll have at that in my office."

"Whatever you say, Papa."

That makes me laugh. Which is good because as soon as I spot the church campus, I realize it's crawling with news vans.


I don't know anything is going on until Brianna, Luke’s housekeeper, comes in through the garage/hall door. Cupcake and I are in the kitchen checking out the shiny appliances when Bri pulls her coat off, giving me a wide-eyed look as she hangs it on the hall rack.

I’m about to ask what’s up when she says, "You know about the vehicles?"