He closed the gap between them, reaching for her once again. “Here we are. Everything we have is brand new to me. I botched it up because I was afraid. My ex, Angela . . . she hurt me, more than I wanted to admit. I thought she loved me, and I was ready to spend my life with her, but she was just using me as a stepping stone until someone with more money, better looks came along.”

Macy hated this faceless woman, but was thankful she’d moved out of the way. “She won’t find a better man,” she told him, fully believing every word. “Her loss.”

“I see that now,” he explained. “I see it because of you. I didn’t want to get close again, but I had no choice. I couldn’t stop myself from falling for you, Macy.”

In ways she’d never thought possible, they’d healed each other. Her heart had never been this full.

“I only paid my rent through the end of the month,” he murmured, holding his gaze steady with hers. “I’m looking for a place to stay.”

And there went that flood of tears again. The emotional roller coaster that summed up this day was more than she could bear.

“Macy.” Liam framed her face, catching each tear as it fell. “I’ll foster every kid you want, we’ll adopt them, have our own?

?I don’t care. But I want you to know I’ll get you through this and when you’re ready, we’ll bring in more. You did what Lucy needed at the time and she is now somewhere where she is equally loved.”

Macy nodded, unable to speak for fear that he’d never make out a word she said as she continued to sob.

“But I won’t leave you again,” he continued. “You’re it for me. I should tell you that I’ve been offered a chance to open my own bakery at Bella Vous that serves to the public. I need to wait and see about my hand, but that’s an avenue I’m definitely exploring.”

“That sounds perfect.” Macy threw her arms around his neck and held on tight. “And I think I know a place you can stay.”

Liam gripped her waist and nuzzled her neck. “Is that right?”

“The rent is free, but I hear the landlord is prone to emotional meltdowns.”

Sliding his hands to her backside, he jerked her hips against his. “I’ve only heard she loves cowgirl boots and sexy panties.”

Arousal shot through her as she backed him up toward the unmade bed. “I believe we’re talking about the same landlord.”

Liam stopped, nipped at her lips, and murmured, “I plan on changing her title from landlord to wife as soon as possible.”

Macy jerked back. “Wife?”

Those captivating eyes held hers. “Are you rejecting my proposal?”

“Are you proposing?”

Liam drew his brows in. “I got you yellow boxing gloves. What more do you want?”

Laughing, Macy pushed him down onto the bed. “I’ll show you.”


“Too late to turn back now.”

Liam tightened his hold around his bride as he pulled her flush against his body. The setting sun cast the perfect orange glow all around his beautiful wife. When Macy smiled wide everyone around them ceased to exist.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’ve waited a long time to become Mrs. Liam Monroe.”

His heart swelled. In the past month of planning this whirlwind wedding, he’d only grown to love her even more. She’d healed him in so many ways. His hand and career might still be in question, but each day he was getting more feeling back and hoped to make a full recovery. His family was quick to pitch in when he asked, and he’d had to swallow his pride and let others come to his aid.

Macy had taught him that. She’d shown him so much.

Thankfully they had had one day in the schedule that nobody was booked for the resort. She’d wanted to get married in the backyard by the pond just like his brothers.

So here they were on a Wednesday evening and he’d never seen her more beautiful. He couldn’t wait to peel her out of that simple, straight gown with lace over her slender shoulders. He knew for a fact she’d bought a pair of brand new cowgirl boots for the wedding. Of course his Macy wouldn’t want something as traditional as heels.

She’d wanted simple, by the pond, at sunset. Those were her only requirements. Liam didn’t care if they got married at a drive-thru window. He just wanted Macy to be his—forever.