Maybe she was a masochist, maybe she just couldn’t bear the thought of never being with him again, but she fisted the bottom of his shirt and untucked it from his pants. When she glided her hands beneath the hem, meeting his taut back, Macy rested her forehead against his chest.

“If Brock weren’t inside—”

“He left when I came out here.” Liam’s hand went to the zipper on the back of her dress and slowly eased it down. “You sure about this?”

Was she? This probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but she couldn’t deny him, herself. This one last time. She knew going in that this would be it. But damn it, she wanted him and for tonight, for now, she was going to take this sliver of happiness.

Macy stepped back, letting the loose dress slide down her body and silently to the ground. Standing before him in only her strapless white lace bra and matching panties, she was so glad she’d opted to have a good lingerie day.

His eyes devoured her. The visual lick he gave her had shivers racing all through her.

“Damn. I thought you looked gorgeous in the dress, but out of it . . .”

When his hand went to his buttons, Macy reached out. “Let me. I don’t want you to injure your hand anymore.”

“Forget my hand. I want to touch you and I need these damn clothes off.”

Considering she was in just as much of a hurry, Macy made quick work of ridding him of his shirt and unfastening his pants. He kicked off his shoes and she jerked everything down.

“You better hope no one comes back,” she said with a laugh as he stood before her naked and she still only wore her bra and panties.

“They better hope they don’t come back or they’re going to get quite an education.”

Next thing she knew they were on the bank of the pond. Liam rolled over so his back was in the grass as she straddled him. When she braced her hands on either side of his head and lowered herself onto him, she locked her eyes with his.

She wasn’t in a hurry, wasn’t ready fo

r this night to end.

Liam’s hand gripped her waist, his fingertips digging into her skin. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but Macy leaned down, capturing his mouth. No words were necessary. Nothing would change the outcome of this and all she wanted, all she needed, was one last time.

She made love to him under the stars, giving herself up even though her heart was breaking. And when they trembled in each other’s arms, Macy closed her eyes and willed the tears away. She would love Liam forever, but she’d never be enough.

Chapter Twenty-One

“And we have a new eight-burner gas stove in addition to the six burner.”

Liam took in the familiar kitchen. He thought he’d feel like he’d come home, but that emotion hadn’t hit him yet. Granted, Liam had only come in to Magnolias for the day to talk with Mark and go through the entire restaurant to discuss final details.

“John was promoted to head chef when you left,” Mark went on. “I know this will be a smooth transition with you both holding the reins.”

Liam and John had gotten along beautifully over the years at Magnolias. This would be a perfect match. Liam continued to walk around the kitchen, thankful he’d driven over early, before they opened.

“I heard from the bank and the final papers will be ready on Tuesday of next week,” Mark added.

One step closer to his goal. “Great.”

Liam passed by the pristine white plates, instantly reminded of the floral ones Sophie had at the resort. The large flat screen over the prep area took him back to several months ago. The orders would come in one after another, unlike at Bella Vous, where he could do his own thing and cater to a smaller, thankful clientele.

“Do you have any other questions?” Mark asked. The older man crossed his arms over his blue dress shirt and leaned back against the stainless-steel counter. “I think I covered everything. I had all of the contents added into the contract. I’ll be taking nothing with me when I go. There are several weddings scheduled next month, so you’ll be getting back just in time to pick up where you left off.”

Weddings. Liam swallowed the lump of emotions. No point in thinking of the past . . . or the last wedding he’d been part of, which had him stripping Macy in the backyard.

“I don’t have any other questions,” Liam stated.

The more he glanced around the kitchen, after he’d strolled through the dining room and around the grounds, the more he wondered if this was truly his dream or if he was just fulfilling a goal of his mother’s.

His cell vibrated in his pocket, but he’d get to it later. He’d promised to be back at Bella Vous by two so he could get dinner started and interview a potential chef. Most likely, whoever needed him was one of his brothers.