“You’re good with her.”
Macy jerked around to Liam leaning against the door frame.
“She loves the bath,” Macy stated.
Suddenly this all seemed too much like a family. Too much like what she’d always wanted. Yet the two people in this room who owned pieces of her heart were only temporary. They’d both go and Macy would be left to heal on her own.
“Did you need me?” Macy asked, turning back to squirt Lucy once again.
“Yeah. I do.”
The huskiness of his tone had Macy stilling. She closed her eyes, hating how fast she could melt at just the way he spoke. Her body shivered as if he’d touched her.
“I’ll be done in a second.”
She couldn’t turn back to look at him, didn’t want him to look in her eyes and see all of the emotions, because there was no way she could hide them. Quickly rinsing the suds off Lucy, Macy let the water out and reached for the hooded duck towel. After she wrapped her all up and scooped her out of the tub, Macy turned . . . and Liam still remained in the doorway.
Definitely too close to a family moment.
His dark eyes held her in place and Macy wasn’t even sure she was fully taking in a breath. The squirming baby in her arms was the only thing that kept her grounded and focused on the fact she and Liam were not alone. No matter if they were, though, she couldn’t go down that path again with him. And, honestly, she didn’t know if she had the willpower to tell him no.
Macy started forward, thankful when he stepped aside and let her pass. Just as she went by, Lucy reached for Liam. His eyes widened as he stared at the outstretched arms, but he didn’t hesitate in submitting to the innocence of the sweet girl.
Liam slid his strong hands around the wrapped towel and pulled the little girl to his chest. Macy couldn’t help but smile and just accept the familiar burn that came along with all the crazy emotions lately.
“She likes you.”
Lucy laid her head against Liam’s shoulder and started sucking her thumb. As much as Macy wanted to continue to watch this big, str
ong man hold a vulnerable child, she could only handle so much.
She eased between Liam and the door and headed into Lucy’s room to pull out some clothes. Liam came in behind her, murmuring something to Lucy. Concentrating on the diaper and pajamas, Macy went to the crib.
“You can just put her in here. I’ll be out in a minute.”
Liam threw her a glance. “Pushing me out?”
“Just trying to keep some distance.”
Why not go for honesty? At this point, why play a game? She wasn’t going to hide her feelings.
Shaking his head, Liam laid Lucy down in her crib. “This was a bad idea.”
Lucy tugged part of the duck towel into her mouth, sucking on the fake beak. Macy quickly put the diaper on and reached for the bottle of lotion in the basket at the base of the crib.
“What part are you referring to?” she asked as she lathered unscented lotion onto Lucy’s little legs and arms. “Us sleeping together or you pretending this means nothing to you?”
“Sleeping with you wasn’t a mistake,” he retorted immediately. “The mistake was me thinking we could work together on the cake. I’ll figure out a way to do it on my own.”
When he turned to go, Macy called to him. “I’m going to help you. I love your brothers, I love Cora and Sophie. I’m doing this for them. Don’t be pissed when you caused all of this yourself.”
He took off down the hallway and Macy was sure she heard him mutter, “Maybe I’m pissed at myself.”
Chapter Twenty
Finally the wedding day had arrived. The cake was done and Macy had painstakingly spent way too many hours rolling fondant, cutting fondant, cursing fondant.
If she never saw that hellish icing again, she’d die a happy woman.