“I hate to bring this up, but it needs to be addressed.” Braxton nodded to Liam’s injury. “What about next weekend? I don’t know what the doctor told you, and I know Cora and Sophie will be concerned about you, plus the wedding.”

Liam inwardly groaned. He hadn’t told anyone what the doctor actually said. Because the words “nerve damage” and “only time will tell” had crushed him.

Still, that didn’t mean he couldn’t go to Magnolias. Being the chef wasn’t all he’d wanted. He wanted the Savannah hot spot to be his very own. And if he couldn’t get back to the chef he used to be, that would be a new level of hell, but he’d still have a grand, successful restaurant.

Maybe if he came clean about his hand everyone would see this as him running again. Perhaps he was. Still, that wasn’t going to stop him from going back to Savannah. At least there he could have some control over his life, because here he had none. He didn’t want his family to know he might never have full use of his hand again. He didn’t want them to see him as a failure.

As the new owner of Magnolias, he would handpick the best of the best to fill his place in the kitchen and no one would be the wiser.

“I’ll make sure your wedding is taken care of,” he assured Braxton and Zach. “Nothing to worry about.”

Total lie, but he kept his tone firm and his eyes never wavered from Braxton. He’d find a way to make everything work out, no matter what he had to do or whom he had to enlist for help.

* * *

Macy was a bit surprised when Liam told her he was on his way over. Oh, she wasn’t surprised at his lack of manners. Telling her instead of asking her was typical Liam fashion. He didn’t want to give her the opportunity to say no.

What shocked her was the fact he was the one reaching out and wanting to talk. Or whatever he was coming over for.

Macy had just put Lucy down for a nap when the front door opened and closed. Again, just like Liam to use the code to let himself in.

As she pulled the nursery door shut, leaving a sliver cracked, Macy took a moment to take in a breath. No matter how hurt she was, no matter how angry she was at herself, she couldn’t just cut him completely out. Not only did she want to see him, she wanted to know if he was okay. He’d never made it back for the party and she hadn’t heard anything until he texted her. Macy had sent Sophie a message, but all she said was that Liam went home after the ER visit.

Smoothing her hair back from her face, Macy turned to head down the hallway, but Liam stood at the end. His broad shoulders took up so much space in the opening, and his eyes pinned her in place. The white wrap on his hand drew her attention.

“Are you okay?” she whispered as she tiptoed toward him.

With a shrug, he replied, “It’s nothing.”

Again, the fact he wasn’t fully letting her in hurt. She had no one to blame but herself because she’d given him the power.

When she started to brush past him, he reached his good arm out. His hand curled around her shoulder, but Macy kept her eyes forward. Had he come to say good-bye? No, he wouldn’t leave before the weddings were over next week.

“Look at me.”

She jerked at his command, tipping her head to meet his intense stare. The scar on his cheek was now highlighted at the angle he faced her.

At least he no longer tried to hide that from her.

“How’s Lucy?”

Standing this close, the warmth of his body blanketed her. She wanted so much from him, and being like this, touching even in the most innocent way, was only going to make all of this harder when he finally did leave.

“She’s asleep. We had a pretty good day. I took her and Dad to the park before the party, then we’ve been home for a few hours. I just held her on the couch and sang silly songs. I rocked her. I hope she feels safe here.”

Liam slid his hand up, his thumb gliding beneath her eye. “You’re tired.”

Macy nodded. No denying she probably looked like hell. After last night, then today, there had been so much to take in.

“Thank you for getting things to the party,” she told him, still unnerved at his touch and the fact he now cupped her cheek as he continued to stroke her face. “I—”

“I didn’t come here to talk about the party or my hand or anything else.”

Her eyes widened. “You seriously think that—”

“I think there’s still too much tension between us.” He stepped in closer until their bodies lined up. “I think we need to talk. We need to discuss a whole host of things, but I also know I need you, Macy. I’m selfish, and I’m human. So if you want me to go, just say the word.”

She swallowed. “You’re going anyway.”