“Have you thought about the fact that some teens don’t have any car? That you’re actually lucky you have one a

t all?”

Brock lifted a shoulder. “I know. I really do get it. If I still lived with my old man, I wouldn’t even have a bicycle to get around with.”

Liam hated the fact Brock was ever with such a worthless piece of garbage posing as a father.

“Okay, then let’s look at another angle.” Liam’s mind started working overtime. “Why don’t you look for a part-time job? Something that maybe you could do just on the weekends or a few hours after school.”

Brock’s eyes widened. “How would I do that and still help at the resort? They need me.”

Liam knew full well they were using him at the resort to teach Brock responsibility and so he could save a little money in the process. They’d definitely get along just fine without him.

“I think Zach and Sophie would be fine with it,” Liam explained. “Talk to them first, but I bet you could find a part-time job that maybe you could do in addition to the resort. Then you’d have two sets of income coming in. You’re almost done with high school, so you’ll be able to put in more hours in the summer.”

Brock nodded. “I just don’t want Sophie and Zach to think I’m trying to get out of helping.”

“They’d never think that, trust me.”

“Since my little fender bender last year, Zach is a bit more protective.”

Liam completely understood why. There was no amount of time that would pass that would completely erase the pain and heartache of that night when Zach had been driving and wrecked, ultimately altering their lives. They’d all been younger, but the effects would last forever.

“Zach will be protective so long as he’s alive, so don’t expect anything else.”

Brock pushed from the bar and came to his feet. “I guess I’ll talk to them if you think it’s a good idea.”

Liam stood straight up and pulled in a deep breath. “I think they’d be upset if they knew you wanted something and were too afraid to ask.”

Brock rubbed a hand through his messy hair. He’d need it cut soon, but that wasn’t Liam’s place.

“Are they making you wear a suit to the wedding?” Brock asked.

From the tone, Liam guessed Brock would rather go without a new set of wheels than get in a suit. “They’re not making me,” Liam corrected. “I’m going to put a suit on because if I don’t, Cora and Sophie would be disappointed.”

Brock laughed. “Yeah, I guess they would.”

“You wore a tux to the prom. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Brock lifted a shoulder. “I guess not, but that was different.”

From the sheepish look on Brock’s face, Liam knew the difference. “Talked to Alli since then?”


Typical teenage boy. Liam didn’t blame him for keeping some things private, so long as they were the right things. “You’re welcome here anytime,” Liam told him. “But make sure you don’t close off the communication with Zach.”

“I already had to tell them all about my prom date,” Brock groaned. “Believe me, there’s plenty of communication.”


The knock on his door stopped his thoughts. Macy. She’d said she’d stop by today. When Brock had knocked, Liam had thought for sure it was Macy, not that he was sorry to see Brock. He rather enjoyed the little bonding time they had. But Liam was more than ready to see Macy, to get past the intensity of last night, and continue to build on gaining her trust.

“Expecting someone?” Brock asked.

“Actually, yeah, but you don’t have to go.”

Liam crossed the room and pulled the door open. “Morning,” he greeted Macy. She wore another little dress like the one she had on last night. With boots. Bare legs. She was truly trying to torture him and he loved every minute of it.