“How’s the leaky sink in the bathroom?” she asked, sliding onto one of the saddle-style stools. “All fixed now?”

“Just needed a little putty.” Liam pulled a baggie full of chopped meat from the refrigerator and dumped it into the sauce. “I hope you like Italian.”

Macy’s stomach growled. “I’d be happy with a bowl of cereal.”

Throwing her a glance over his shoulder, he quirked a brow. “Don’t insult me in my kitchen.”

Unable to stop herself, Macy smiled as her stomach did more of those ridiculous flutters whenever Liam threw her that sultry stare. She’d just slept with him and he was still able to make her flutter without even touching her. What did that say about her? More importantly, what did that say about the level they’d taken their relationship to?

“I’ve been doing some thinking about your dad’s party.” Liam pulled out another pan and put water on to boil. “I think a heavy meal is too over the top, but we need substantial finger foods. I have a good recipe for mac ’n cheese bites and if we pair that with some little slammers, that’s a good start. Any objections?”

Crossing her arms on the counter, Macy leaned forward and shook her head. “None from me. Is there something I’m going to actually be able to make?”

“You’re going to do all of it.”

Macy waited for him to laugh or clue her in on the punch line of the joke. But he kept cooking, not grasping at all that she sat in utter shock.

“You do recall that I can’t boil water properly, right?” she reminded him.

Still unfazed, he kept working on dinner with his back to her. “I’ll be with you, but you’re going to put in just as much work as I am. You can also help me with the wedding cake.”

Macy sat straight up. “Excuse me?”

Liam’s laugh filled the open space. He grabbed a towel, wiped his hands, and flung it over his shoulder. Turning to face her now, he rested his hands on the island and leaned toward her.

“I’m making the wedding cake for my brothers. Double ceremony, you know.”

Macy’s nerves went into overdrive. “A wedding cake? I’ll ruin it. I’m not helping with something that important. Forget it.”

Easing around the island, he came to stand right in front of her. His hands covered her shoulders as he turned her to face him fully. “We’re working on this together because you’re going to stop being afraid of things that scare you. You’re going to face those fears. We’ll start with the kitchen and move from there.”

Then he leaned in within a breath of her lips and whispered, “And you’re going to sleep with me again. In my bed.”

Macy stiffened. “No.”

His eyes held hers, but he didn’t back away. “Facing your fears, Macy. Whatever stranglehold you’re in, I’m going to break it.”

Yeah, but at what cost? She didn’t know if she could handle being in a bed with a man. A man powerful and persuasive. A man who made her want things she knew were likely impossible with him. They both had their own issues to deal with and she didn’t want to face hers with an audience.

What if he got her to the bedroom and she flipped out? Humiliation wasn’t something she welcomed in her life, wasn’t something she cared to have rear its ugly head during an intimate moment.

“Whatever is in your head, stop,” he demanded, taking her face between his strong hands. “Don’t let your past ruin what you want.”

Macy lifted a brow. “And what are you doing? You’re still running, too.”

His eyes closed for the briefest of seconds, as if he needed to gather his thoughts or push aside the demons he didn’t want to face. “I’m not running. I’m just trying to get back to where I need to be.”

A little piece of her heart cracked. This was precisely why she didn’t want to feel anything for him. She could tell he wasn’t staying, didn’t want to be here. But she’d slept with him and any feelings she’d had before that moment were now intensified and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to stop it.

Macy swallowed. “And that’s in Savannah.”

“I have a life there,” he defended as he dropped his hands and stood straight up. “I have an opportunity to own the restaurant I’ve been at and I have to try.”

Macy understood all about dreams. Wasn’t she pursuing her own right now in trying to adopt? How could she be selfish in wanting him to stick around simply because her feelings had grown for him? The emotions she’d had as a teen were nothing compared to what she felt now, but telling him would only put him in a position that wasn’t fair. If he wanted to stay or go, ultimately he had to make that call.

“So, while you’re here, we’re what? Friends? Lovers?”

Liam held her in place with his sultry gaze. “Both.”