Liam kept his back to his brother, but couldn’t form a single response. He wanted out of this town, back to the place where he was comfortable, to fulfill his own dream. But he couldn’t find the words to tell Zach exactly what he wanted, so he opened the door and went inside. He was done here for the night. Anything he said at this point would only cause more of an argument and he didn’t think this family needed any more hurt.

As Liam climbed into his SUV, he realized he was growing, changing. At one time he’d been all too happy to take verbal jabs at Zach. Right now, though, he didn’t have the heart for it.

Maybe there was hope for him after all, or maybe he was just done. Either way, Liam had a plan and nothing would stop him from moving forward.

Chapter Seven

Girls’ night at Macy’s house was exactly what she needed. Tomorrow she’d be going to the softball game and she was still unsure how she even felt about that. She hadn’t seen Liam, and the fact she kept replaying their kiss over and over in her mind only ticked her off. He was avoiding her, which only led her to believe their encounter had hit him just as fiercely.

So, some wine, some pointless gossip, and a carefree evening was exactly what she needed to relax and unwind . . . and not think of Liam. Or his lips. Or the way her body still tingled because he’d left a permanent imprint on her.

“Did you hear the news?” Cora asked, crossing her legs and easing back on the bar stool. Heidi lay on the floor beside the stool, eyes open, but relaxed.

Macy refilled Sophie’s wineglass. “What news?”

“Cora and I are getting married,” Sophie squealed.

A laugh escaped Macy as she stared back at her beaming friend. “You two will be very happy together.”

Cora swatted in the direction of Sophie, but missed by quite a bit. “Shut up. We’re having a double ceremony at the resort on May fourteenth. You’re invited.”

A double wedding. It sounded so perfect and romantic. And the resort would be absolutely breathtaking. The old Civil War–era home with the pond, the patio, the lush landscaping intermixed with the centuries old mossy oaks. It would look like something from a magazine, Macy was sure.

Brothers who found love inadvertently due to the dream of their late sister. Didn’t the greatest pieces of literature have romance stemming from tragedies? If so, Macy was long overdue for her proverbial white knight.

A May wedding would be stunning and another milestone in pointing the Monroe family in the right direction. After so many years of heartache and tension, maybe they were finally due for their happily ever after.

“I couldn’t be happier for you guys.”

Macy truly meant it. But she couldn’t ignore the tingle that crept up her spine. One day she would marry, have a family. But for now, her friends were deliriously happy and Macy was thrilled for them. Not to mention Zach and Braxton deserved this. Those boys had been through quite a bit before coming to Haven and being adopted.

“Can I do anything for you?” she asked. “I mean, clearly not cook, but something else to help you get things ready?”

Sophie smiled and reached across the sofa to squeeze Macy’s hand. “We’d like you to stand up and be our maid of honor.”

Shocked, Macy blinked. “Me?”


??Of course,” Cora agreed. “You’ve been a great friend to me since I came and I just feel like you guys were the sisters I never had. To marry Braxton with both of you by my side would be the perfect day.”

Macy glanced from Cora to Sophie. Both women had seriously come to mean so much to her. Sophie had always been a friend, but Cora had slid right into their world as if she weren’t a millionaire heiress. She fit effortlessly into the small town lifestyle, a perfect addition into their world.

“I’d love to,” Macy stated. “But, please, tell me the dress isn’t pink.”

Both women laughed. “Actually, you’re the only one we want up with us, so you can pick your own dress. We’re having flowers of all colors, so I’d say you’ll be safe with anything.”

If she was the only one standing up with the women, Macy had a pretty good idea who the only man standing up with Braxton and Zach would be.

Wonderful. If she saw Liam in a tux, she might be forced to ravage him against his will and ignore every speech she’d ever given herself about how she wouldn’t throw herself at him ever again.

“Can I wear my boots?” she asked.

“Honestly, you can do whatever you want,” Sophie replied, sipping her wine. “The wedding will be in the evening, out by the pond. We’re hoping for a gorgeous sunset to send us off.”

A gorgeous sunset, a double wedding, and Macy would be walking the aisle with Liam. Didn’t this just kick her straight in the gut of all the feels?

“I know this is short notice,” Cora went on. “But we saw the resort wasn’t booked that weekend and I wanted a spring wedding anyway. There’s just been so much going on that Sophie and I kept putting everything off. We figured the guys could care less if we did it together or separately.”