He stayed in the kitchen to avoid people, but he couldn’t be rude or standoffish when this was his family’s business and Chelsea’s vision. They all had to work together to make this a success. Stepping out of his comfort zone was something he knew he’d have to do when back in Haven, but that didn’t mean he had to like it or embrace it.
“There will be a midmorning snack around ten and lunch at one,” he added, focusing back on his dough. “Cora said you’re all up for massages, so I’ll make sure to leave everything out in the dining room so you can come and go as you please.”
“Sounds great. This is quite an amazing place you guys have.”
Unease settled in his stomach. “Thank you.”
Where was Zach? Wasn’t he supposed to be here this morning? Braxton only came by in the evenings because of his teaching schedule, but Liam really didn’t want to be left on his own. Sophie had a closing on a home this morning, but Zach should be here, damn it.
“I’ll let you get back to work. I just wanted to say thanks and we plan on coming back.”
Liam glanced her way once more, more than happy to be drawing this social time to a close. “We’re glad to hear it. Let me know if you need anything before you go.”
That was hard. He wasn’t used to being this . . . helpful. Wasn’t he hired to cook? There was a reason he was a behind the scenes guy. Another point he’d bring up when he saw his brothers later today. Cora was always around, but she was clearly busy, and this resort was supposed to be Zach and Braxton’s baby. Liam had only reluctantly come on board as a financial backer at first, then at the last minute he was talked into being the chef.
As much as Liam loved being part of this endeavor, he agreed to join in on the business with the hope he’d only be a silent partner.
Nothing was going to plan since he’d moved back. Every day that passed, he was more torn up than ever. Without even trying, Macy was relentless in getting under his skin. The woman had him in knots and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it except get the hell out of Haven. Now he just needed to set the plan and execute it before he lost what was left of his sanity.
His need to save those around him had narrowed drastically. Now he was in dire need of saving himself.
* * *
Liam pulled up in front of the house where he’d spent his teen years. The home now belonged to Zach, Sophie, Brock, and a whole host of dogs. Zach had taken in a pregnant stray a year ago, and once the puppies came, he ended up keeping them because he didn’t want to separate the siblings.
He never came out and said it, but Liam knew Zach’s upbringing influenced how he treated the pups. The Monroe boys were all softhearted when it came to vulnerability in people, and apparently animals, too.
Braxton’s car was already in the drive. Liam let himself in the front door and braced himself for the slew of barks and excitement. Maybe he should get a dog, he thought. Dogs were always happy to see you, dogs didn’t judge, and dogs were loyal. So long as you fed them, they’d be your best friend. That was one relationship Liam could totally get behind.
He reached down to pat each one as they jumped, vying for attention.
“Welcome to the zoo.” Zach stepped into the foyer with a bottle of water in his hand. “We’re all out back on the patio. You want something to drink?”
Liam stood straight and shook his head. “I’m fine. More interested in what’s going on.”
“Then you’d better follow me,” Zach stated, and headed toward the back of the house.
Zach slid the glass door open and gestured for Liam to go ahead. All the sturdy wicker couches and chairs were new, as was the concrete patio with a faux stone design. Zach had made quite a few changes to their old home once he decided to keep it and stay in Haven.
Zach had also wanted out, but ended up falling in love with Sophie. Those two were meant to be. It had just taken a decade of hurt and recovery for them to fall back together.
“Nice fence,” Liam snorted as he took a seat on the end of the outdoor sofa.
Zach flipped him the finger before taking a seat next to Sophie on another sofa. “We need privacy.”
“Your neighbor still an issue?” Braxton asked, resting his hand on Cora’s knee.
Sophie laughed. “Mrs. Barclay has had to deal with me when she makes surprise visits. I think she’s growing tired of seeing my face.”
Zach’s neighbor, who was a good fifteen years older than him, never made it a secret which Monroe brother she’d set her sights on when she moved to town. Zach had dodged her multiple times, and less than a year ago, Braxton had admitted he’d had a moment of weakness and ended up spending some time in her home—as in her bedroom.
But Braxton had definitely changed his outgoing ways since meeting Cora. The two complimented each other, looked out for each other, and made a great team. The tug on Liam’s heart as he observed their closeness wasn’t welcome. Liam didn’t want to find love—such a thing didn’t exist for him. He’d let himself believe once before, but all that had done was leave him alone and hurting once again. So that tug could just go away.
While Liam was happy for his brothers, he was also content to go on just the way he was, so long as he could get out of Haven.
Which had him thinking back to the phone call he’d gotten earlier. Magnolias was indeed for sale and Liam knew the price Mark was asking. He needed to do some budgeting of numbers and think of a reasonable offer to make, but he wanted that restaurant and was confident he could make everything work out. On paper, anyway. Dealing with family and emotions was a whole other ball game.
“I’d rather not discuss our neighbor,” Zach chimed in. “What’s going on, Brax?”