“Can it keep until tomorrow?” Zach asked. “Sophie and I can whip something up. I do a mean spaghetti.”
“Spaghetti? Ajar of sauce and box noodles will not be served from my kitchen.” Liam shook his head. “I’m going to get this roulade done. Macy doesn’t want to see me right now, and as long as she’s not alone, that’s all that matters. I’ll go see her when the time is right.”
Later. Much later. He needed to figure out what the hell he wanted to say to her. Assuming she even wanted to see him again was presumptuous on his part. They’d pretty much parted ways after the double wedding.
Right now she was hurting. If he told her he was staying, she might think he was staying out of guilt. He just needed to figure out how to approach her, how to help her heal and move beyond the hurt she faced now. He couldn’t botch this up.
“I’ll leave after I get dinner ready and you and Sophie can serve the guests.” Liam stirred in more spices, gripping the bowl with his good arm. “That work?”
“So long as you go straight to Macy.” Zach flattened his palms on the counter. “I have no idea how you left things, but she loves you. Five minutes with you two and it’s obvious.”
Liam stilled, refusing to look up. “I’ll go see her. I just . . . I need to get my head on straight.”
If he told her he was in Haven for good, he didn’t want to just assume they’d pick up where they left off. She might not want to give him another chance. He’d hurt her—he felt responsible for that. She’d wanted him to stay, but she hadn’t come out and asked. From here on, he had to be honest with her and tell her everything that was on his mind, in his heart.
Over the next couple hours, Liam figured the words would come to him while he cooked. At least, he hoped they did.
* * *
Since Macy’s dad had filled in for her at the store, she didn’t mind that he’d asked her to come in and finish up the invoices. It wasn’t as if she had to get Lucy in bed early. Macy actually welcomed th
e distraction.
As she pulled into the store lot, she noticed Liam’s SUV sat in the back. The hurt in her heart actually burned. She rubbed her chest as she shut off her engine.
Most likely he was up there packing the rest of his belongings. Considering all of the boxes he’d left unpacked, it shouldn’t take him long.
Her thoughts had bounced back and forth today between wondering how Lucy was adjusting to another home and if Liam was already falling in love with his upcoming changes. He’d gone to Savannah, but she didn’t know if he was working out restaurant details or if he was checking out the condo. Either way, he was moving on, pushing forward, and whatever they’d had would just have to remain a memory.
Just like Lucy.
Macy rested her head against the steering wheel and pulled in a deep breath. Perhaps she’d just get the paperwork and take it home. At least there she could put on a movie, have some wine, and hide. She could ugly cry on her couch and nobody would have to know.
The tap on her window startled her. Macy jerked around to see Liam standing there. She unbuckled her seat belt and opened her door.
The last thing she wanted today was to come face-to-face with more pain. There was only so much she could handle.
“Can you come upstairs for a minute?” he asked.
Macy smoothed her hair away from her face, jerking it all over one shoulder. “I’m tired and I still have invoices to work on.”
“No, you don’t.”
Confused, Macy propped her hands on her hips. “My dad stopped at my house and told me—”
“I asked him to get you here somehow. He already did the invoices, but that’s all he could think of to get you here.”
Macy’s heart quickened; nerves churned in her stomach. “I’m emotionally drained. Today has been—”
He put a finger to her lips. “I know.” He removed his hand, then gripped her shoulders. “I heard. Just give me five minutes, Macy. That’s all.”
He slid his bandaged hand down to hers, holding on to her fingers.
When he started toward the back steps, she followed, trying not to read too much into this. In her heart she hoped he was going to tell her he was staying, that he wanted her and nothing else mattered. But that was absurd. He wanted that big-time restaurant, not a small-town resort that hadn’t ever been a blip on his dream radar.
He released her hand as he climbed the steps. He probably wanted to discuss moving or packing or something else that would take him away. But why go to the trouble of having her come back?
When Liam eased the door open, Macy stepped inside. The wall of boxes were still stacked, but there had been more added. A man staying would have unpacked those final boxes. Her heart sank. Even his free weights were missing from beside the sofa.