Her shocked, whispered question caught him by the throat, rendering him speechless. Liam nodded.
“I promised the guys I’d stay until I found a suitable chef for the resort. I won’t leave you all in a bind and I’ll make sure the transition is smooth.”
Sophie sucked in a breath. “I didn’t see this coming. I thought for sure you’d be thrilled with the prospect Dax gave us.”
“It’s not that I didn’t appreciate the opportunity,” he corrected, hoping she’d see his reasoning. “I’ve just always wanted my own restaurant and Magnolias is like my own. I was head chef for so long, and now it can all be mine.”
Sophie tucked her hair behind her ears as she pursed her lips. “I’m going to miss you.”
Closing the gap, Liam pulled her into his arms. “It’s not like I’ll never come back. Savannah isn’t far at all.”
“It won’t be the same,” she sniffed into his shoulder. No, it wouldn’t be the same. Isn’t that what he wanted? Didn’t he want to be separated from this town and his past?
“Why are you always hugging on my woman?”
Liam glanced over his shoulder as Zach came in the back door. Without releasing Sophie, he grinned. “Maybe she’s the one always hugging on me.”
sp; When Sophie eased back and looked at Zach, there was no hiding the fact she was upset.
“Oh, hell.” Zach instantly moved forward, taking Liam’s place and holding her. “You told her?”
“I had to.”
“I was hoping you’d wait until after the wedding,” Zach scolded.
“No.” Sophie kept her arm around Zach’s waist and wiped her damp cheeks with her other hand. “I want to know. I’ll be fine. I’m just going to miss him not being here.”
Zach merely lifted a brow at Liam. The risk was too great to get swept up in all these emotions right now. Liam could so easily let them talk him into staying, but he might never have a chance like this again. And he’d had to tell Sophie so she didn’t immediately jump to conclusions where Macy was concerned.
This was just one colossal mess from every angle.
“I need to get going,” he stated as he went to the counter by the back door and grabbed his keys and cell. “I have a wedding cake to work on.”
“With that hand?” Zach asked.
“I’ve got it covered.”
Before he had to get into the whole “Macy was helping” speech, he pushed open the screen door and headed toward his SUV. Leaving one emotional disaster and heading straight into another wasn’t his idea of a good time, but there was no way around it. As soon as he got to Macy’s house, he knew he’d be in for it. He needed her help, a fact that pissed him off. He didn’t want to ask for help, didn’t want to ask her because he knew they would inevitably discuss the turmoil that had become their norm the past few days. He didn’t want the tension, didn’t want her to have to deal with the negativity.
But he wanted her. Still. Even though he was leaving, Liam wanted the hell out of her. The thought crossed his mind to keep this going, but how was that fair to her? She lived here with a store, fostering a child, and he wanted out. Continuing with their affair would only prolong the inevitable.
Liam pulled out of the drive from the resort and headed toward his apartment to grab some items to take to Macy’s. All he could do at this point was try to emotionally survive until he could leave. Once he was gone, he knew he’d be fine.
Out of sight, out of mind . . . right?
* * *
Macy settled Lucy into her high chair. Of course the stuffed dog was nestled right against her. The social worker had called earlier, checking in. So far, Lucy had adjusted remarkably well, considering. Being so young, she couldn’t comprehend exactly what had happened, which was both a blessing and a harsh reality.
This poor baby would never remember her mother. Macy recognized that bedtime was rough, so she made sure to rock her, to sing to her, anything she could think of that was calming, nurturing. All the things Macy’s mother had done for her.
“How about some peaches?” Macy asked.
She cut up some fresh peaches she’d picked up at the farmer’s market earlier. When spring hit, the vendors set up in the park and offered fresh produce, homemade products, and a variety of handmade items. Since her father had been at the store most of the day, Macy managed to sneak out with Lucy and take her to the park to check out the goods.