“We’re just friends.”

Damn it. Why had that come out of his mouth? He didn’t mean to downplay what they had going on, but at the same time, he didn’t know what to say and he didn’t want Macy to feel uncomfortable. So . . . yeah. Now the words were out and she probably felt even more uncomfortable.

Macy turned, pasted a smile on her face, and nodded. “Just friends. But glad we have your blessing.”

Brock looked back and forth between them, clearly not believing them, but Liam wasn’t about to say anything else. Finally, he shrugged.

“I have a proposition for you.” Brock glanced at Macy and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Do you need any part-time help in your store?”

“Whoa.” Liam held up his hands, shaking his head. “Did you talk to Zach or Sophie?”

Brock glanced over his shoulder. “No. I thought I’d see what Macy said and then I’d talk to them.”

Macy shifted the pot to the back burner. “Well, I haven’t thought about needing anyone. Dad still comes in sometimes and we’ve never had anyone other than family work there.”

Brock turned back to Macy, but not before Liam saw the teen’s face fall. “Oh, okay. No big deal. Just thought you were an obvious choice to ask.”

“Wait a minute.” Macy held her hand up and pursed her lips as if she were doing some calculating in her mind. Knowing Macy, that’s exactly what she was doing. “How many hours were you thinking?”

Brock lifted a shoulder, shifted his feet. “Not sure. The resort is a top priority for me, so maybe just a few hours. I just want to earn some extra cash.”

Macy stole a look over Brock’s shoulder, catching Liam’s eye. Liam didn’t say a word. He was rather proud the boy was taking initiative, but he wished Brock would’ve discussed this first with Zach.

“I’m sure I could find things for you to do.” Macy shifted her attention back to Brock and smiled. “You talk to Zach and Sophie and give me a call. How’s that sound?”

“Really?” Brock’s voice lifted, as did his whole demeanor. “That’s awesome, Macy. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me just yet,” she countered as she tugged the strings of her apron undone and pulled it over her head. “Let’s see what they say before we go any further. You still have school and that comes first.”

“I know,” Brock agreed. “I’ll call you later today. That work?”

Macy laughed. “Of course.”

Brock practically ran out of the room, most likely to find Zach or text him or to make sure the resort was all set to go for their guests arriving in the morning. Regardless, Macy had just made his day.

“He wants a different car.”

Macy nodded. “I figured it was something like that.”

“I have a few more things I need to do here. Shouldn’t take me more than an hour.”

Liam wanted to cross to her, but he also didn’t want to get caught kissing her or backing her into the counter and groping her . . . which is exactly what he’d do if he knew they wouldn’t be caught.

“You want to wait or do I need to run you home?” he asked. “I know you want to work more in the room, but I can help.”

“I think I’ll take a walk out back, if that’s okay. I never take time to just do nothing.”

Liam knew that feeling all too well. In fact, coming home had given him more free time than he’d ever had when he worked in Savannah.

Was that something he was willing to give up? Was he ready to get back to that hustle and bustle? And if he thought he was busy before, going back in as an owner would be pure insanity . . . and everything he’d ever dreamed of.


Blinking, he focused back on Macy. “Go ahead. I’ll come find you when I’m done.”

Stepping closer, she tipped her head. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Um, about that whole friend thing earlier—”