The unknowns still had her a bit worried, but overall she was so excited she could hardly control herself.

“I still have a few things I want to do to the spare bedroom, but I’ll be ready.”

“We can ditch the cooking and finish the room if you’d like.”

Macy hopped down off the stool, but held on to his hands. “That’s sweet, but you’re not getting off the hook. I want to learn that dumpling recipe and you need to get things done at the resort. Then we can think about working on the room.”

Liam came to his feet, trapping their hands between their bodies. The way he loomed over her, as if she were tiny, always made her feel so feminine. She’d never felt that way with another man. Granted, Liam made her feel different than any other man had, in many different ways. Because he cared, because he wanted her to be the best version of herself. Again, how could she not fall in love with that?

Liam leaned down, nuzzling the side of her neck. “And then you’re mine.”

When he nipped at her earlobe, Macy couldn’t suppress the shiver. “Mine.” He said the word so boldly, so matter-of-factly.

On a sigh, Macy whispered, “Yours.”

Chapter Fifteen

“I’m pretty sure that’s not right.”

Liam peered into the boiling pot at the blob of... Well, they couldn’t be called dumplings. Maybe one giant-ass dumpling, but, yeah. That wasn’t right.

“Okay,” he said. “That happens.” Not to him, but she was still new at this. “We’ve got plenty of dough. Let’s tear off some more.”

Macy blew out a breath. “Why don’t you do them? I’m wasting all of your ingredients.”

He’d waste all of his stock to get her happy and relaxed. “It’s fine,” he assured her.

Heidi’s nails clicked down the hallway, the only warning they had when Cora was coming.

“Whatever you are making, I want some.”

Liam laughed. “I’m teaching Macy how to make dumplings.”

Cora’s hand slid along the countertop and stopped just before the industrial stove. “I thought I heard your voice, Macy. I’ll gladly be your guinea pig.”

Groaning, Macy glanced toward the boiling stock. “I’m not sure you want this.”

“It’s fine,” Liam stated, giving Macy an elbow to the side. “It glommed together and made one giant dumpling. That’s all.”

Cora gasped. “A ball of carbs? Let me take a seat and you can serve it up.”

Macy started laughing, but Cora literally made her way to the bar stool and sat down. Liam glanced to Macy, who simply shrugged.

“My first customer,” she stated, reaching for the ladle. “Grab a bowl.”

Crossing to the cabinet, Liam pulled out a bowl. “Cora, would you like to wait until the bread is done? I have some rolls already made up. I can pop a few in the oven and they’ll be done in no time.”

“No, thanks.” Cora waved a hand in the air. “I’m waiting on Sophie to finish upstairs. She’s taking me to pick up my dress. Macy, do you want to come? Do you have your dress yet?”

“I ordered one online,” Macy stated. “I hope it fits okay. I actually have things to do today, but thanks.”

Liam held the bowl to Macy as she carefully scooped out the oddly-formed dumpling. The look on her face was nothing short of defeat. He didn’t think she wanted to go dress shopping—that wasn’t necessarily her thing—but he knew she was discouraged over the food she’d prepared. That was definitely an area he could relate to.

“Hey,” he whispered. “It will taste fine. You had all the ingredients right. And I promise, this is better than the first time I made them.”

“What is that smell?”

Liam glanced over as Brock came into the kitchen.