Once she was all closed out, she glanced around the front of the store. A new shipment of extra seed packets was due tomorrow and the snazzy display she’d ordered with it. She really should clear out a space by the front door to make accommodations for their arrival. She’d already set up the colorful pots in various sizes, but she found herself wanting to go upstairs and wait for her tenant to arrive home.

Should she take it upon herself to just go on up and wait for him to get home? Wasn’t that crossing some major line they’d yet to discuss? She wasn’t his girlfriend, but they’d slept together once and agreed this could be a thing while he was here.

She couldn’t live her life the way she wanted without taking chances. She wanted to see Liam and she cared for him. She would just hang around the store until he came in and then she would greet him. That wasn’t stalker-ish or clingy. Waiting in his living room naked might have been taking things a bit too far. But he could actually appreciate her boldness since they were going to become lovers.

The most brilliant idea popped into Macy’s head. Before she could talk herself out of it, she headed for the back steps and waited for Liam.

* * *

Liam finally got Braxton, Cora, and Heidi home. Braxton was banged up with a very mild concussion and bruised ribs, as well as a cut across his forehead that a few stitches had taken care of. Cora promised to stay near him as nursemaid. Liam knew she’d worry herself sick, so he’d call and check in on them later.

Right now, he wanted to get upstairs, shower, and text Macy. He’d never returned her message and no doubt she’d heard of the accident by now. Liam was still livid over the entire situation and it was all he could do not to punch Rand in the face at the hospital. But, seeing as how the good ol’ mayor had a whole host of problems, starting with his DUI today, Liam opted to focus on Braxton.

Macy’s truck was still parked in the back of the store, but Liam wasn’t in the mood for company. He was on edge waiting to hear if his offer on Magnolias was accepted, irritated his brother had been in an accident by a man who was drinking heavily in the afternoon, and ticked because he had no idea how the hell he was going to keep a hold on his feelings for his landlord.

His mind spun in so many different directions, he needed to relax and attempt to sort things out. Knowing Macy was his while he was here . . . he sure as hell wasn’t about to turn that down. If he was lucky, he’d get her out of his system before he headed back to Savannah. Doubtful, but perhaps.

Liam stomped up the steps and let himself into his apartment. He tossed his keys on the side table, not bothering to turn on the lights. There was a soft glow coming in the window as the sun was setting.

The second he stepped into his kitchen, he stopped. Wearing only a pair of familiar cowgirl boots, an apron tied at the neck, and a smile, Macy stood there with her hand propped on the center island.

“I think I’m ready for my next lesson. That is, if you’re not too tired.”

The challenge in her eyes, the tilt of her head, and that naughty grin instantly reawakened him. “I didn’t know we were doing lessons this late.”

Mercy, her legs seemed to go on forever. From the ruffled hem of her apron to the tops of her boots, those legs mocked him and he couldn’t wait to feel them around his waist again.

“I was hoping you’d make an exception.” She moved toward him, like a walking fantasy. But she was real. And for now, she was his. “I have a few things I’d like to show you. I think I’m getting the hang of this.”

Liam slid his hands up her bare arms, pleased when her eyes darkened. “Oh, you’ve got the hang of this, all right.”

In one swift move, he jerked the knot at her neck until the top of her apron fell to her waist. Before she could utter a word, he yanked on the tie behind her back, sending the thin material falling silently to the floor at their feet.

“We’ll continue this lesson without obstacles.”

Macy bit her bottom lip and quirked a brow. “Then you better remove yours.”

Liam wasted no time pulling his shirt off as Macy went to work on his jeans. In seconds he’d stripped bare and she stood before him with all that loose hair and her boots. Stilettos may be every man’s fantas

y, but right now, this hometown girl looked like the sexiest woman he’d ever seen.

Thrusting his fingers through her hair, Liam tipped her head to capture her lips. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and sighing into his mouth. Everything from the day faded away and all that existed was this, was them.

Her warm body plastered to his from chest to thighs had Liam eager to get her into his bed.

No, not his bed. She wouldn’t go there and he still hadn’t fully uncovered the reason why. Soon, though. But not tonight. She’d come to him out of trust, and he wasn’t about to sever that.

Without breaking the kiss, Liam banded his arms around her and hoisted her up onto the kitchen island. The heels of her boots banged against the side of the cabinet as she spread her legs for him.

Her lips trailed over his jaw, down his throat. Liam couldn’t get enough of her as his hands roamed up her sides, over the swells of her breasts.

“Protection,” he muttered. “I need to go get it.”

Macy eased back. “I’m clean and on birth control.”

“I’ve never gone without.”

Lifting her brows and holding his gaze, she silently gave him the choice. The thought of nothing between them was too tempting. There was no way he could let this moment go by.