Liam wished Chelsea were here to see all of this. To see how they’d all come together, not only for the resort, but for Brock.

Guilt crept up fast and fierce. Liam was leaving. He hadn’t made final plans, but in his heart he knew the end result would be the same. Haven wasn’t home for him anymore and his dream of having a restaurant of his own hinged on Magnolias.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, he turned and headed back to the house. Voices carried, laughter surrounded him. He loved his family, loved this place, but how could he stay knowing this wasn’t what he wanted for his life? Wouldn’t Chelsea have wanted him to follow his dreams? She had been such a dreamer, she would understand.

Damn it, he missed her. As he let himself back into the kitchen, he thought back to the time he’d shown her how to bake bread. She’d just been dumped by some jerk and Liam figured pounding out some dough would be a great relief, plus he had to bake loaves anyway for one of the neighbors, so it was a win-win.

Chelsea had loved the entire process. She’d gotten so wrapped up in learning, she’d forgotten what’s-his-name, and by the time they were finished they were both coated in flour, fingers sticky with dough, and laughing. He typically thrived on a neat, orderly kitchen even when he was younger, but seeing her so happy had been worth the disaster.

The screen door slammed shut, but Liam didn’t turn.

“Running from the family fun?”

Zach’s judging tone didn’t help the guilt Liam already struggled with. “Just getting back to work.”

“You’re not happy here.”

Liam jerked his gaze toward his brother, who leaned against the island, arms crossed over his chest. What could he say? Zach was right, but Liam wasn’t quite ready to have this argument.

“I never said that.”

Zach grunted. “You don’t have to say anything. You’re sending out glaring signals.”

Liam ignored the jab.

“If you’re leaving, we need to know.”

The back door slammed once more. “Who’s leaving?” Braxton asked.

Well, hell. Might as well do this now since they were all here. They’d given him the opening he needed and he might not get another easy chance like this.

Liam held Zach’s gaze. “I’m leaving.”

The muscle in Zach’s jaw clenched as he gave a clipped nod. “When?”

Pushing off the counter, Liam shrugged. “I’m not sure. Magnolias is for sale and I’m trying to buy it. I’ve been in contact with the owner, but this process could take a while.”

He’d been wondering when he should tell his brothers and make things more official. Looks like he’d done just that.

“All right.”

Liam narrowed his eyes at Zach. “All right? You’re not going to fight me on this?”

Even Braxton stared at their brother like he couldn’t believe the response.

“Would it matter?” Zach retorted. “If we fought, you’d still want to go and I’m honestly tired of fighting with you. I think a decade is long enough, don’t you?”

A year ago this scene would’ve been entirely different. And the fact that Zach had given in so easily, letting Liam off the hook, free to pursue his passion, only added to the guilt. Should he want to stay to help his family? Should he put his own needs aside like they had done?

“Will you find a replacement or are we supposed to?” Braxton asked, still standing in the doorway. Surprisingly, he looked pissed whereas Zach seemed detached. Apparently his brothers had reversed roles.

“I’ll find someone.” He wasn’t that big of a jerk to leave without taking responsibility. “I won’t leave until I know you’re in good hands. I want this business to succeed as much as you guys do.”

Cora’s and Sophie’s laughter spilled in through the screen door. Liam didn’t want to tell them, didn’t want to see the disappointment on their faces.

“Don’t tell Sophie just yet,” Zach stated. “She’s too happy right now.”

Braxton nodded. “Same with Cora.”