Macy. There was another factor in his decision to go or stay. He hadn’t wanted any more layers of guilt, but now he was finding himself wondering how Macy would react if he left. Would she care? Was this just a fun little flirty thing for her? Or was she feeling more than just . . . what? Sexual? When she’d thrown down the gauntlet two nights ago, was that her sole purpose?

As much as he hated to think anything bad about Macy, he had to wonder where she wanted to go with this. And not that he was looking for a ring on his finger—far from it—but he’d like to know what she was thinking. He was a guy, so sex wasn’t something he wanted to turn away from, but he also felt with the shaky ground they’d been walking on lately, that maybe some guidelines should be laid out.

Or he could just take everything day by day and enjoy the time here in Haven. That’s what Chelsea would’ve wanted. His late sister rarely made plans. The only time she thought ahead was when she was planning her next excursion and even those tended to be last minute. She’d start daydreaming of a place to visit and the next thing they knew, she’d pack a bag and be gone.

With Liam living in Savannah for the past decade, she’d often call him from the road, text him when she arrived, or she’d simply swing in through his restaurant to give him a farewell hug. She hadn’t stopped in on her final trip, though, and Liam wished like hell he would’ve had a chance to say good-bye. To hug her one last time. But he also knew even if he’d been able to tell her he loved her and wrap his arms around her, he’d still be wishing for one more day. She was a rare gem in life. There had always been a smile on her face, and she was always looking forward to each day because she had the ability to find one positive thing in any given situation. Liam wondered if he could adapt to that mind-set, if he could try to find one positive thing each day to perk him up.

As he wiped off all the counters in the kitchen he cursed himself. What the hell was he trying to give himself a damn pep talk for? He was nothing like his gorgeous, free-spirited sister. All the things that worked for her were what made her so special. He wasn’t looking to change himself. He was happy just the way he was, thank you very much. Changing for anyone because his life wasn’t going to plan was no way to live.

Clearly the stars were all lining up for him with the prospect of Magnolias, Macy challenging him in that sexy, not-so-subtle way, and he and his brothers getting along as well as they ever had. Perhaps things were working out exactly the way they should be, just not the way he’d planned.

“Are you coming out for pictures?”

Liam jerked around to the back door, where Sophie stood poking her head inside.

“Pictures?” he repeated, clutching his damp rag.

“Brock’s prom.” Her sigh of frustration told him she was not pleased he’d forgotten. “His date will be here soon and we wanted to get some family pictures by the pond.”

Family pictures. Such simple words for such a complex group of people. Liam glanced down to the black apron he wore over his jeans and black T-shirt. With a shrug, he tossed the rag on the counter by the sink and jerked the apron from around his waist. After hanging it on the peg by the back door, he followed Sophie out to the pond.

Passing through one of the pergolas covered with hanging wisteria, Liam glanced up and saw Brock standing next to the pond. A little catch in Liam’s throat had him pausing. This was a boy who only a year ago was living a much different life. He hadn’t been sure where he would be safe to lay his head down at night, much less thinking of going to a dance with a date.

But here he stood, fidgeting with the white flower on his lapel while he waited for a girl to arrive. Brock was living the life every teen should have, yet there were so many in the world who were living a life of hell. Thanks to people like the Monroes and Zach and Sophie, they were offering hope to one life at a time. Brock couldn’t have landed in a better family. Zach would be stern but gentle, and Sophie would be motherly and make sure he had everything he ever needed. Like the perfect tux and flowers for a prom.

Liam remembered those days. The first dates, the date that truly mattered because he wanted to impress a girl. Brock had grown so much in the past year and these nerves were normal, healthy. He was hitting another adolescent milestone.

But now that Liam had experienced life a little more, had been jaded by trying to impress a girl, he was done. For some asinine reason, Macy was impressed with him and he hadn’t even been trying.

Brock glanced up, caught Liam’s eye, and smiled. The boy had barely smiled when he’d first come to live with Zach and Sophie, but now that he’d relaxed and realized he was safe and had a support team, Brock was a regular teenager. He smiled, he back-talked, he loved his beat-up car and was saving for the next, and asked for advice on girls. Liam was so damn proud of the way Brock was growing into a young man and that he’d gotten so comfortable here. He was truly one of their own.

“Just one picture.”

Liam laughed as he stepped closer to the small crowd around Brock. Zach, Sophie, Braxton, Cora, and Heidi all stood waiting.

“I want more than one,” Sophie retorted. “And you’ll stand there and smile like you’re having a good time.”

Brock gave the typical teenage groan, but Liam knew from the glint in the young man’s eyes that he was thrilled to have all of this positive attention devoted to him.

“Let’s do one of the guys first.”

Sophie corralled everyone in front of the picturesque pond. Liam and Braxton stood on one side of Brock and Zach stood on the other.

“Can you put your arms around each other or something?” Sophie asked, waving her arm in the air. She clutched the camera in the other and shot a glare to Zach. “You all love each other—let me see it.”

In typical guy fashion, they looped their arms over shoulders and stared back at Sophie.

“A smile is too much to ask, isn’t it?” Sophie asked.

“Take the damn picture,” Zach growled.

Sophie snapped several, more than just a few. By the end, Liam was holding the camera and getting a picture of Brock with Sophie and Zach, then Cora and Braxton, with Heidi, of course, and then with just the ladies. Surely Sophie would be pleased with one of these.

By the time Brock’s date arrived, Liam was hoping to remove himself from the gathering. He wanted to get back inside and work on preparing the meals for tomorrow, but Brock needed his family’s support. Liam watched as the teen smiled at his date—Alli, if Liam recalled correctly. A genuine smile lit up Brock’s face and Alli

seemed to be just as taken, if the tilt of her head and lowered lashes revealed anything.

Good for Brock. The boy deserved some excitement, some fun and an evening with friends. He’d worked hard around the resort and with keeping his grades up. Zach and Sophie had done an impressive job in the short time Brock had been with them.