Page 66 of Teton Sunrise

“Why?” she stammered, staring into the cold and cruel eyes of her brother.

“Let’s go, Evie,” he said callously, and shoved her in front of him. Evelyn dug in her heels, and twisted her body.

“Don’t make me hit you again,” he warned. “You’ve always had to make everything difficult, haven’t you?” he spat. “I had the perfect plan. I was even going to take care of you, give you a good life in St. Charles, but you had to ruin everything when you couldn’t do what you were told and had to follow me.” With every word, Henry’s voice grew louder and angrier.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Evelyn retorted. “What plans?” She had to keep her brother talking. She had to buy some time so she could figure out what to do. How long had she been gone from the cabin? Alex would surely come looking for her when he returned. But that wouldn’t be for many hours yet. There was no telling what Henry was capable of in his deranged mental state.

Henry laughed again. “Do you really think I was going to spend my entire life breaking my back on that farm?” He shoved her again, jabbing his fist into her lower back. She flinched, and took a reluctant step forward. Evelyn couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Suddenly she realized that the brother she had loved all her life was someone she didn’t know at all.

“I told Father I didn’t want to be a farmer. I wanted to go on an adventure in the wilderness with Alex, but he wouldn’t allow it. He needed me to work the farm. I was no better than a slave to him.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” Evelyn twisted to look back at her brother. “Papa gave you the best of everything. The best he could afford. We all worked hard. After everything I’ve seen and witnessed here in these mountains, I don’t think this sort of life would have suited you any better.”

Henry bared his teeth at her, hate and anger spewing from his eyes. He laughed again. “You are so naïve, Evie. The fur trade is going to make me rich, and I don’t so much as have to lift a finger. I wouldn’t even be here if you had simply married Charlie, but you forced me to come looking for you, and bring you back.”

A sick feeling washed over Evelyn. She didn’t want to believe the terrible thought that entered her mind. She stopped and faced her brother.

“What have you done, Henry?” she whispered, afraid she already knew the answer. Blinding fear for her unborn child raced through her, and she stood still.

An evil smile spread across his face. Bile rose in her throat, and she recoiled from his sinister stare.

“If you don’t cooperate, dearest sister, I’ll—”

A sudden loud explosive boom jolted the serene stillness of the mountain, and the ground shook, cutting off Henry’s words. They both stopped and stared. A low rumble coming from deep beneath the earth suddenly gained in intensity, and rocks broke free from the terrain. First gravel, then smaller stones, then larger rocks rolled down the trail, stirring up dust and debris. Trees and bushes began to sway, even though there was no wind.

“Henry, what’s happening?” Evelyn shouted, trying to steady her feet. She leaned against him, wondering if she would lose her balance and fall. The earth beneath her feet continued to shake and rumble, as if she were standing in a bouncy buggy. Only, this ride gave her no sense of control. Fear raced through her, and she realized they were at the mercy of an unexplainable force of nature.

“Come on,” Henry yelled, and pulled her along with him. Dodging rocks and debris, he ushered her down the hill. She nearly fell to her knees when a large crack in the ground opened right before her, and just barely managed to dodge around it. Faster and faster they ran. A tree uprooted right in front of them, falling to the ground with a loud groan and thud, and Evelyn screamed.

Henry held firm to her arm, leading her away from the direction that should take her back to the river and her home. The loud rush of water reached her ear, and she glanced swiftly toward the river. Like a flash flood, water raged in a muddy torrent where crystal clear water had flowed peacefully earlier in the day. It would be impossible to cross now.

Thoughts of Alex entered her mind. Was he safe? He was most certainly along some stream or riverbed, laying his traps. Would a flash flood sweep him away? Tears streamed freely from her eyes. Her beautiful world was literally crashing down right in front of her. After a couple of minutes that seemed like hours, the ground stopped rolling. Rocks and boulders continued to tumble down the hillside, and the air was thick with dust.

“Henry, look out!” Evelyn shouted when another tree creaked and groaned, then toppled before them. Henry yanked viciously at her arm, but it was too late. A large branch snapped across her back like a whip, and she fell forward. She gulped for air, and her free hand flailed out instinctively to block her fall. Her head hit the ground, and blackness claimed her.