Page 13 of Teton Sunrise

After an all-night ride to reach the site of this summer’s rendezvous, a small valley some hundred miles from the mountain range the Shoshoni called the Teewinots, Alex had been looking forward to a day of sleep. He and his fellow trappers had arrived in camp before dawn, and after tending their stock, had simply spread their bedrolls on the ground. There would be time to set up a more permanent camp later.

He’d just fallen asleep when that meddlesome Yancey called to him, his voice full of excitement and going on about the talk in camp over a white woman who apparently had the misfortune of being caught on the river by a group of thugs. Alex had rolled over under his blanket and threatened to put a bullet in Yancey’s head if he didn’t leave him in peace.

“The Frenchman, Laurent Berard, is making a big show of bartering her to the highest bidder,” Yancey continued. “He wanted it announced throughout camp that he had a white woman by the name of Evelyn Lewis. I think this sort of thing is downright barbaric, and . . .”

Whatever else Yancey had said was lost to Alex. A jolt of adrenaline had surged through him at hearing the name. It was impossible that Yancey had misspoken. What were the odds that there was another Evelyn Lewis? If it was the same girl who haunted him in his dreams, how could she possibly end up here, of all places?

Alex didn’t waste time to contemplate the question. He made sure his pistol was loaded and stuffed in the belt around his waist, and fingered the elk antler handle of his knife. Dashing through camp, he weaved between tents and lean-tos, and soon saw where all the commotion was coming from. Dozens of men gathered in a semi-circle, whooping and hollering. Laurent’s distinct voice, trying to calm the crowd, reverberated over the others.

She barely looked like the girl he remembered seeing in St. Charles a few months ago. Her hair that had shone like spun gold that day at the docks now hung listless and dull from her head. She appeared pasty and frail. Her slight body, dressed in men’s breeches and shirt, swayed like a young sapling in the wind, an occasional shiver coursing noticeably through her. Every now and then, her head jerked up, revealing her terror-filled eyes.

Rage such as he’d never felt before coursed through Alex. His blood pounded through the veins in his temples, and the muscles tensed throughout his body. He wanted to kill each and every one of these men who leered at the helpless girl, their intentions only too obvious. There was only one way he could get Evelyn safely away from these men, and Alex pushed his way through the crowd. He didn’t stop to give another man a chance at her, and offered a price that he felt confident no one would meet. If need be, he was prepared to double his offer. One look at Evelyn Lewis, and he knew he’d give his life for her at that moment. The naked fear in her eyes reminded him of his mother each time she faced his drunken father. Alex hadn’t been able to keep her safe. He was not going to fail this time.

“What has gotten into you, mon ami?” Laurent shouted, startling Alex to loosen his grip on the man’s shirt. With a forceful shove, he pushed the Frenchman away from him, releasing his hold. Laurent hastily straightened his shirt, and glared at Alex, then his mustache twitched and he smiled broadly.

“How the hell is it that she is here, Laurent?” Alex demanded. He inhaled a deep breath to calm his nerves, and turned his head slightly to the side.

“It is not something I planned, I assure you,” Laurent said, and pulled his coonskin cap from his head, slapping it against his thigh.

“Jed Smith asked you to go to St. Louis to try and find out what those thieves from the American Fur Company were up to, not to abduct white women to barter here at rendezvous.”

Laurent scoffed. “You know as well as I that I would never wish such a fate on any woman, much less one as lovely as Mademoiselle Lewis. She gave me no alternative but to bring her along.”

“Explain yourself, Laurent.” Alex glared at the Frenchman.

Laurent nodded. He turned and pulled the saddle from his horse’s back, and tossed it against a nearby tree trunk. “Walk with me, my friend,” he said quietly, and his eyes darted around as if looking for someone. “I do not wish to be overheard.” He headed in the direction of the woods, leaving Alex no choice but to follow if he wanted some answers.

“I trust the young lady is safe?” Laurent asked after several minutes of silence.

“I left her with Aimee Osborne,” Alex grumbled. His chest suddenly tightened at the memory of Evie in his arms. Just before she lost consciousness, she’d looked him in the eyes and recognized him. Alex was startled to see renewed fear in those green eyes of hers. He’d never been close enough to Henry’s sister to notice the color of her eyes, not that he’d ever been interested in that sort of thing before.