“She said you guys were going to work things out,” Cora hurried on to say. “She told me about how careless you’d become after her and that I was a distraction until you got back with her.”
Whispered curses were muttered under his breath. The front door opened in the distance, music and party noise from inside filtered out into the night as several sets of footsteps sounded across the floor. Once the door shut and the footsteps faded, Cora waited. Braxton wasn’t going to let this go and she didn’t know how much longer she could hold on to her control.
“First of all, Anna is irrelevant to us,” he told her in a low, powerful voice. “I don’t care what she said to you because she’s only out for herself. What I do care about is what you think, why you felt the need to push me away, and why you still think it’s a good idea to be apart because I don’t know about you, but these past few days have been miserable.”
There went more of that resolve crumbling. She wanted to throw her arms around him and be reassured everything would be all right, that this relationship wasn’t just something based in sexual tension and chemistry.
“We both have so much going on,” she muttered, clutching her hands in her lap. “I’ve informed my parents I won’t be taking over as CFO. My shares are still mine and I will be part of the company because it’s my legacy, but I need an out. They’re in denial still, but I think they’re starting to come around to the fact I’m serious. I need to take my life back.”
“And you don’t want me in that new life?”
She wanted him in her life more than anything. “I want you to figure out your own life,” she clarified. “I want you to find what makes you feel alive, what makes you happier than anything else in the world. I don’t want to be the one to stand in the way, Braxton. You’ve lived your life to please others for so long, when have you done something for you?”
That hand behind her slid up into her hair, pulling her perfectly placed bobby pins out one at a time. “Right now I’m doing something for me,” he whispered. “This isn’t you. All these diamonds, the hair in some fancy twist, the layers of makeup. Seeing you smile, knowing you’re happy, that’s what does it for me, Cora. So every day that I spent with you, getting deeper into your world, learning about how amazing you are, all of that was making me happy. Since my engagement ended and Chelsea died, I’ve not felt too alive. But then you came into my life and, yes, it’s been a short time, but damn it, I know what I want and I know how I feel.”
“Am I interrupting?”
Cora jerked her body at Eric’s untimely question.
“Yes,” Braxton growled. “Who are you?”
“Eric,” Cora replied.
Braxton’s hand slid from her hair as the settee shifted and he came to his feet. Cora pushed up as well because she had no clue what was about to happen and she needed to prepare herself for a fallout. Her mother would definitely never forgive her if there was a fight on the front porch during the Christmas party.
“Cora, may I talk to you? Alone.”
Braxton’s hand settled on the small of her back and she was utterly shocked he didn’t immediately say no. “I’m in the middle of something. Can we talk later?”
“Actually, this won’t take long and I don’t feel so bad about telling you this now that I know you’re going to be okay.”
“Why the hell wouldn’t she be okay?” Braxton asked.
Cora shifted in her heels, wishing she could take them off and get the hell out of here.
“I just meant that it’s clear the two of you have something going on,” Eric amended. “I thought her parents required her and me to marry to secure my place in the company. Even when Cora moved, I thought she’d be back, but I knew in the back of my mind she wouldn’t. This isn’t her lifestyle, as much as I wanted it to be so we could take this company into the next generation.”
The tension was back as Braxton’s entire body stilled against hers. He was coiled and ready to spring once more. She reached over, placing her hand on his side as she leaned against him, silently offering her support, her loyalty.
“Cora, I know we aren’t a good match,” Eric went on. “I mean, on paper we’re perfect, but I honestly don’t want to marry, not for a while anyway.”
“Did you meet someone?” she asked.
“No. Actually, I just want to focus on my career. I know I’m secure here and I know your parents were more concerned about you running the company alone than they were with you actually living alone. I went about everything wrong. When I should’ve stood up for you and what you wanted, I bowed to their commands because I wanted to maintain my position.”
Cora was shocked that this was the same Eric who’d been unbending regarding their wannabe engagement. “And now you’re not worried about your position?”
“Actually, I spoke with your father yesterday and after the first of the year, they’re making a formal announcement that I’ll be taking over as CEO.”
She waited for the hurt, waited for the feeling of regret in her decision to distance herself from such burdens, but all Cora felt was relief. Sweet, pressure-releasing relief.
“Congratulations.” She offered him a smile because she was truly happy. “Looks like everything turned out for the best.”
“Are you sure you’re not upset?” he asked.
“Not at all.”
“You know I’ll still want your input and I’ll be calling for opinions,” he added quickly.