Cora swallowed. She didn’t want to be in the middle of this and she highly doubted Braxton was taking his ex back . . . not after all they’d shared and considering what just took place in the massage room.
“You may have had a little fling,” Anna went on, her voice low now. “But his heart is with me.”
Why wasn’t anyone coming to use the restroom? Surely to goodness someone would pass by and offer some sort of diversion so Cora could escape this awkward situation. She didn’t want to fight, this wasn’t her battle. Anna clearly had issues that Cora wanted no part of.
“Oh,” Anna whispered. “I just spent a little time with Braxton in what I believe will be your work space. I hope you’re not bothered by that visual image next time you go in.”
Jealousy speared Cora’s heart. No. She didn’t believe it.
“You’re lying.”
“Ask him,” Anna stated, smugness lacing her tone. “Ask if I was in there with him. He won’t lie.”
Cora didn’t want to be here another second. She needed to get out now.
“You know how reckless he became after me,” Anna added. “I’m sure he’s shared that with you. Once a player, always a player. I’m the only woman he stayed with for any amount of time. You think you’re special? You’re just another distraction.”
No. No. Cora wanted to shake her head, but she refused to show any weakness toward this woman.
“I’m sorry,” another voice chimed in. “My daughter needs to use the restroom. Is this one open?”
Cora pasted on a smile and squared her shoulders. “Absolutely. I was just leaving.”
With that, she pushed forward, ignoring Heidi’s warning that she was about to run into something, or someone. Cora heard Anna grunt just as Cora’s shoulder knocked hers. If Anna didn’t want to move, fine, but Cora was more than finished here.
The threat of tears angered her. She wouldn’t have a breakdown here of all places. She just wanted to get home, but how could she?
Braxton. Just his name hurt because she didn’t want to believe he’d done anything with Anna, but she’d sounded so convincing and she’d made a point to drive home the fact he’d been a restless wanderer for the past several months. “A player,” she’d called him.
Had he played her? Had she been that naïve and swept into his charm that she’d missed the real Braxton? She didn’t think so, but Anna had succeeded in planting that seed of doubt.
Cora maneuvered down the hallway toward the kitchen. Maybe if she just went out back and got some air—
“Hey.” Brock’s worried tone hit her as his hand slid over her arm. “You okay?”
Cora bit down on her quivering lip. All it took was that one caring touch and she was near the point of losing it. “No,” she whispered. “I’m not feeling well. Can you give me a ride home?”
“I’m actually not supposed to drive after my accident,” he stated.
Cora blinked against the tears and Brock must’ve seen that she was on the verge of a breakdown.
“We’ll go the back way.” He slid his arm through hers and ushered her out.
Finally, she could escape and gather her thoughts without an audience.
* * *
She was gone. Braxton had searched the entire damn house twice and nobody had seen Cora. It was hard to miss a stunning woman with a dog.
Just as Braxton was about to search the second floor again, Zach bounded down the steps and shot a look to Braxton.
“Have you seen Brock?” he asked.
Braxton shook his head. “Not since I first got here. I can’t find Cora, either.”
Zach ran a hand through his hair, which was normally messy but he’d attempted to get it under control tonight. He’d even gone so far as to groom his beard.
“He’s a teenager. Text him,” Braxton suggested. “His phone won’t be far.”