The last thing he wanted was to be alone with her, but he also had no idea what she wanted or if she would cause drama. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to her at all, but maybe if he finally did then she would leave h

im alone.

“Tell her to come in here.” Braxton rubbed his hand over the back of his neck and willed for more patience to magically appear. “I’ll wait.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Zach asked.

“Might as well get this over with.”

Liam nodded and walked away. Zach simply stared and shook his head before he finally turned and headed toward the foyer and the sitting room, where voices and laughter seemed to be growing. This was good. Braxton wanted all of this interest to lead to bigger, better things for the resort.

Braxton turned and paced deeper into the room. He’d have to get this unfortunate chat over with because guests were going to want to look around and the last thing he wanted was to be spotted in this room with Anna. Haven’s gossip mill would explode before he could even attempt to defend himself.

The door closed and Braxton whirled around to see Anna leaning against the door, her eyes locked onto him. He’d not seen her in person for months; thankfully, he’d been able to avoid her in public. Her hair was shorter now, near her chin in some trendy style that suited her. The fitted dress hugging her every curve was no doubt some designer brand she so loved. There was no denying what a beautiful woman Anna was, but standing here right now, he felt nothing. He didn’t even feel anger. A sure sign he was completely over her and he had Cora to thank for that.

“Anna.” He figured he’d have to break the ice since she still remained in place. “What did you want?”

She flinched at his harsh tone, but he was immune to her. He wanted this over with and he wasn’t in the mood for games.

“I’ve been calling you,” she told him. “You never even replied to my texts.”

Braxton crossed his arms, feeling no need to reply when she was stating something they both knew.

Pushing off the door, Anna slowly made her way toward him. “I know I hurt you,” she started. “But I want a chance to get back what we had, we were—”

Braxton held up both hands. He’d suspected something like this when she’d been relentless in her attempts at getting in touch with him. “No. Don’t even finish that sentence. There are no second chances here, Anna. Yes, you hurt me, but I’m over it and I’ve moved on. So have you.”

Tears welled up in her bright blue eyes. “Rand and I are over. I made a mistake with him and tried to find a life I thought I wanted.”

Braxton would’ve given anything to have heard these words months ago when he’d lashed out and had opted to shut down emotionally. When he’d been using one-night stands as a balm for his wounds, he would’ve given it all up for Anna. Looking back now, he didn’t even know why he thought what they had was love. They were compatible in bed, they laughed and enjoyed each other’s company, but she was always a step above him . . . in her mind anyway. She’d always wanted bigger and better of everything.

“I’m sorry you made a mistake,” Braxton replied, finding he was sorry. The only emotion he had right now for Anna was pity. “But trying to rekindle anything we had would only lead to a whole host of other mistakes.”

“You know we were good together.” She took a step forward, closing the distance between them and placing her hand over his chest. “Give us a chance, Brax.”

He cringed at the familiar nickname she’d used. Hearing it now only reminded him of a time he truly didn’t want to revisit.

“Anna, this night is about Chelsea and this resort.” He took a step back, causing her hand to fall away. “We have nothing left to discuss unless you want to book a visit and if so, that’s Sophie’s area.”

Those tears that filled her eyes moments ago were blinked away, instantly replaced by anger. “You’re turning me down?”

“You turned me down, I’m only following through with the best decision you ever made. I’ve finally found what I’ve been looking for and I should honestly be thanking you.”

An unladylike growl escaped her. “Is it that blind woman I heard about? I know you’ve been around town with her. Rand told me all about your new employee.”

Hell no. He was not getting into a discussion about Cora with Anna. Absolutely not. Cora was off-limits.

“If we’re done here.” He gestured for her to head toward the door.

“We’re done,” she spouted. “I don’t know why I ever thought we could get back together. Clearly you’re not the man I thought you were.”

“I’m nothing like the man I was when I was with you,” he easily agreed. “If you’ll excuse me, I have guests to see.”

Anna spun on her heel and marched from the room. Braxton propped his hands on the masseuse table and dropped his head between his shoulders. He needed some air, he needed a drink. He needed to be alone with Cora and get their ordeal straightened out because he desperately wanted to be with her. Now more than ever. After seeing Anna in person, talking with her, Braxton realized whatever they had was dead. Cora seriously filled his heart and he planned on telling her later. No more waiting, no more dancing around the topic. He was going to tell Cora how much he loved her and if she’d have him, he wanted to meet her family, to see where this relationship would go.

“Everything okay?”

Braxton lifted his head, nodding to Liam, who stood in the doorway. “Fine. Just taking a second.”