“I can’t believe we did that,” she whispered. “Wait, I didn’t do anything, except . . .”
Braxton smiled. “You did what I wanted you to do. Now we need to get out there before Zach comes back.”
“What about you?” she whispered, smoothing her hands down the front of her dress.
Yeah, he was a bit uncomfortable, but anything more would have to wait. “You go on out. I just need a minute to think of overweight men in Speedos. Wait, just saying it is helping.”
Cora laughed, which is exactly what he wanted. Too much tension had wrapped around them and tonight was supposed to be fun and enjoyable. They had a mission and nothing could get in his way of seeing Chelsea’s dream through. Okay, he’d gotten a bit sidetracked by Cora, but he was back on course . . . until after the open house.
“We need to talk,” he told her. “I’ll take you home after the open house.”
Cora crossed her arms, her stare landing on his chest. “Are you saying that so we can finish what we started here or are you seriously wanting to talk?”
She nodded slightly and patted her side. Instantly Heidi stood by her. “We’ll talk first.”
Without waiting on him, she moved cautiously toward the door. Her palm hit the wood, sliding down until she found the lock. With a soft snick, she opened the door and closed it, leaving him to figure out just what the hell he was going to say when he got to her house.
On one hand he wanted her to apologize for keeping such a big part of herself from him. On the other hand, he figured he should be the one to apologize since he left her house and didn’t speak to her for several days.
Still, she had to understand that dropping a bomb like that wasn’t going to go over easy with him. He’d trusted her from the start and he knew she had trust issues, he got it, but he didn’t see the reason for the secret for so long.
Honestly, he could get past this as long as he knew without a doubt that she wasn’t ashamed of him, that she wasn’t keeping her other life at arm’s length because she was afraid to let him into that world. Because, damn it, he wanted in that world of hers more than he ever thought. These past few days had seriously given him some time to think, pout a little, brood a bit more, and think again.
“Damn it.” Zach strode through the door. “Now is not the time.”
Braxton blew out a breath and strode toward the open door. “Not now, Zach.”
“I told you to talk to her, not screw her.” Zach stepped in Braxton’s path, blocking the door. “You can’t go out there and stare at her all night. Keep your head on straight.”
Braxton narrowed his eyes at his brother. “I can handle it. Get out of my way.”
“When I think you’re ready to face people without a scowl I will.”
Braxton gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down. As much as he wanted to have a deep, meaningful conversation with Cora, it would have to wait. She agreed to let him take her home, now all he had to do was make it through these next three hours of smiling, mingling, and talking spa shit all while pretending his life was all puppy dogs and rainbows.
“I’m fine,” Braxton assured Zach.
Zach studied him, but Braxton held his ground. No way was he going to act as if he couldn’t handle the turmoil in his life.
“There you are.” Liam came up behind Zach. “I was hoping to catch you away from the people who are already arriving.”
Braxton didn’t like the tone Liam was using, nor did he like the sympathetic way he was only looking at him.
“What’s wrong?” Braxton asked.
“Anna’s here. She’s asking for you.”
Damn it. Now was not the time to have a confrontation with his ex. He’d avoided her at all costs after she humiliated him and ignoring her recent texts and calls hadn’t deterred her any, apparently.
“Want me to handle it?” Liam asked.
“I’ll handle her,” Zach chimed in.
Braxton held up a hand. “I can deal with my own issues. Where is she?”
“She’s waiting on the patio,” Liam stated. “Do you want to talk somewhere private in case she decides to make a scene?”