Maybe then her house wouldn’t feel so lonely. Braxton had only been in it a handful of times, but she still hated being here without him now. He’d filled every room. When she smelled the tree she instantly thought of his kindness, when she went into her bedroom . . . well, that was impossible not to picture him there.

He was everywhere. Now she just had to figure out how to fix the damage she’d done. She hadn’t come this far in her journey to give up the one amazing thing that had happened to her.

Chapter Fifteen

Braxton sipped his drink and half listened to Zach. The open house was set to start in an hour and everything was in place. Christmas trees were lit up in every room, fresh garland was wrapped around the thick banister curving up the steps, wreaths were on every single window, and a few even hung on mirrors on the inside. Classy white candles on pewter candlesticks adorned the mantel in the main living area. There wasn’t a stationary item that didn’t have a decoration of some sort. But instead of being tacky, the place looked like something from a magazine. Sophie had seriously outdone herself and Zach owed her a huge apology for doubting her and giving her a hard time. If all of this had been left up to Liam, Zach, and Braxton, they may have thrown a tree in the living area and called it a day.

The food, though, was definitely something that was going to be a huge hit. Liam wouldn’t settle for anything less than the best. He was currently setting out an insane assortment of finger foods and pastries. Everything was magical and perfect and exactly how Chelsea would’ve wanted it.

But Braxton couldn’t take his eyes off Cora, who had entered the room exactly three minutes ago. For the last three minutes Zach had sounded like the teacher from The Peanuts.

“And then I won the lottery.”

Braxton jerked around. “What the hell?”

Zach almost cracked a smile. “I’ve been saying shit since you spotted Cora and the lottery got your attention. I also told you I had a sex change, so apparently that isn’t as exciting for you.”

Braxton took another sip of his bourbon. “You’re an ass. What do you want?”

“For you to go talk to her or quit sulking. We have a lot riding on this and the last thing people need to see when coming in the door is your pissy face.”

Braxton downed the rest of the bourbon, welcoming the burn. “I’ll talk to her when I’m ready and it’s none of your concern. Don’t you have a fiancée to annoy?”

“I like her,” Zach stated with a shrug. “Even if she did make me wear a suit. I’d rather annoy you.”

Across the room Cora moved gracefully, elegantly. That upbringing of hers was embedded so deep within her. She was a damn millionaire, yet here she was wanting to work as a masseuse and live on her own, out from under the thumb of her controlling parents.

Braxton wished like hell he knew what to do with all of these emotions. When Anna had cheated on him and informed him she was calling off the engagement, Braxton had hated how he’d been played and how foolish he looked being the second guy in her life. He’d vowed from that moment on to never be a fool again.

Yet here he stood, staring at the one woman whom he actually loved, the woman he couldn’t get out of his mind. She’d wedged herself so deep, he knew she would be part of him forever.

But she hadn’t trusted him enough to say who she was initially. There had been ample time to come clean. Had she been embarrassed by him? Had she thought her parents wouldn’t approve? Just because she wanted to start a new life didn’t mean she wouldn’t revert back to her old one. She may want to work now, but what about six months from now, a year? Would she find it so easy to be out on her own, away from the only life she’d known?

“Either talk to her or get outside for some air and cool off before guests arrive.” Zach snatched the empty glass from Braxton’s hand. “Do it now or Liam and I will kick your ass.”

“You and Liam teaming up together? Not likely.”

Zach muttered and walked away, but Braxton’s eyes were still on Cora. The fitted sapphire-blue dress was stunning. With her long, auburn hair tumbling down her back, Braxton fisted his hands at his side and tried to rein in his emotions. His control had been utterly shredded and he had no clue how to piece it all back together.

All he knew right this minute was that he couldn’t keep his hands off her another second. With his sight set on her, he marched across the room. She was talking with the new beautician, laughing and totally oblivious to his presence, which pissed him off. How could she be so happy when he was so . . . not?

And how selfish did that make him that he wanted her to be unhappy simply because he was? Damn it, this love thing seriously screwed with all common sense.

“Excuse me,” he interrupted. He patted Heidi on the head and shot a smile at the newest staff

member who had only been hired last week. “Would you excuse us for a moment?”

Haley nodded and returned his smile. “Of course.”

Apparently, she wasn’t picking up on the tension as she turned on her heel and walked away.

Cora blinked in his direction, her knuckles tightening on Heidi’s collar. “Braxton.”

He reached for her arm, careful not to grip too tight. “Come with me.”

When he started to move away, he was met with resistance.

“I’m fine here,” she told him, stubborn chin lifted in defiance.