The pain in Macy’s voice hurt Cora. It was clear this woman had feelings for Liam, but why was he keeping her at a distance?

“I’m new here, so I don’t know all of the logistics here, but did you and Liam date in the past? I mean, if he’s purposely keeping you at a distance, it sounds like he has feelings but he doesn’t want them. Does that make sense?”

Macy laughed. “Oh, does it ever make sense. We never dated. I was interested in him in school, but I was so tied up with softball and then I got a scholarship and went away to college. When he was in the accident with Zach and Sophie, that was about the time I had to come home because my mom died unexpectedly.”

Cora’s bowl clanged on the table in front of her. “Double serving this time,” Sophie whispered.

“After my mom’s death, I stayed and helped Dad with the store. I tried to visit Liam, but he didn’t want to see me and then he moved to Atlanta. Over the past several years he rarely came home, until Chelsea’s death and the renovating of the estate.”

“He’s going to be here for a while,” Sophie added. “He’s going to be the chef at Bella Vous since ours quit.”

“What?” Macy’s question came out as a gasp. “He’s staying? But, he’s avoided this town for so long and . . . oh, no.”

“What?” Cora asked.

A loud sigh filled the room. “He texted me about renting the room above the hardware store. I didn’t know it would be for him, but if he’s coming back, then I guess that’s who it would be for.”

“Looks like you may get that opportunity after all,” Sophie said softly, a smile and a little naughty to her tone.

“I can’t even think about him being that close to me. He’ll ignore me and that will only hurt more. Damn it. I’m going to need a double serving, too, Soph.”

“Coming right up.”

“I can’t discuss Liam anymore. You want to go, Cora, or should we just finish off this carton of ice cream and discuss something neutral like the weather or the holidays?”

Cora attempted a smile, but she just wasn’t feeling happy. “Honestly, if Braxton is angry or not acting right it’s completely my fault. I kept something from him, but it was personal. I didn’t expect to be so swept away by him. Everything happened so fast and I just went along for the ride.”

“You don’t have to tell us what it is,” Sophie stated, setting back down at the table. “But I’m sure you know he was lied to by his ex-fiancée, right?”

Cora nodded, the lump of guilt growing thicker in her throat. “Yeah, he told me all about her. Which is why I know I hurt him. But I had my reasons and he doesn’t believe they were completely innocent.”

“If you want to tell us what happened, it won’t leave this room,” Macy promised. “But if it’s too personal, then we understand.”

Cora chewed her ice cream and contemplated how to even begin her story. There was so much that happened in such a short time, she was still spinning. She gave them the shortened version of her life before she came to Haven, then went on to explain her need for freedom, to break away from the corporate world and the lifestyle molded just for her. She expressed her concerns about getting involved with Braxton, but the man was impossible to resist.

“So, you’re seriously an heiress to a chocolate company?” Macy asked. “You are honestly the coolest person I know.”

“I find that only slightly offensive,” Sophie chimed in. “But since that is pretty damn cool, I’m going to agree.”

Cora shook her head and pushed her bowl away. “I promise, that life isn’t eating chocolate and sipping wine all day. It’s hard work and your life revolves around business meetings, traveling, marketing, spreadsheets, quarterly reports. The boring list is absolutely endless.”

“So when you lost your sight, your parents thought you needed a keeper?” Macy asked.

“Pretty much. I wasn’t in love with Eric to begin with, we were more compatible in the boardroom and looked good on paper. But after the accident, when we knew blindness was inevitable, all of a sudden Eric wanted a ring on my finger and so did my parents. That’s when I realized I’d been living for them all along and everything in my life was theirs. I had nothing of my own. Not one aspect of my life was happy because I hadn’t chosen a thing.”

Silence filled the room and Cora wasn’t sure what the other ladies were thinking.

“I really hope I didn’t come across as a spoiled brat,” she went on, suddenly nervous. “I know I have everything at my disposal, but money truly can’t buy happiness. I don’t even care about the money, not with what all comes with it.”

“I’m still processing all of this,” Sophie said. “It’s hard to like you when you have all the money and chocolate a woman could ever want, but I love you so I’m trying to see your struggle.”

Cora laughed, she couldn’t help it. “Thanks, I think.”

“I admire you,” Macy said. “I gave up everything I wanted for my family, but I wouldn’t change it. You’ve put your entire life on hold for your family and you’re finally going after what you want. I think you’re making the right move.”

For some reason Macy’s words comforted Cora. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted someone to see her point of view, how much she wanted someone to understand that this wasn’t an easy decision for her.

“Has Braxton . . . you know, has he said anything?”